The Surprising Place Ivanka Trump's Family Visited For Their First Florida Outing

Ivanka Trump has worn many hats in her life: real estate developer, fashion brander, reality-TV judge, and of course her four-year stint as a trusted member of her father's presidential administration (via Biography). She's been in the public eye so often for her work that it's easy to forget that she has a home life, too. As mom of three children — Arabella, Joseph, and Theodore — she faces the same challenges all parents do. Granted, she does have a nanny to help shoulder the responsibility when she's not at home, but there's plenty on her shoulders when she is. As she once told People, "Being a mother is the most rewarding experience, but also the most wild and stressful."


Now that she and husband Jared Kushner are officially out of Washington, they're focusing on getting settled into their new home in south Florida. The Miami Herald reports that the Kushners have a one-year lease on a property in the luxe Arte Surfside condo complex, where they'll stay while their permanent digs are being built on Indian Creek Island. The paper reports that the former first daughter has been spotted taking time to relax and enjoy the warm weather — something that was in short supply in D.C. during the winter months. The family has also been photographed going on after-school runs for ice cream and smoothies.

But, being a mom, Ivanka doesn't have all that much time to herself. And even the most privileged of children have their "Mom, I'm bored" moments. So the former presidential adviser recently went on a family outing that suited her "wild" life perfectly.


Ivanka Trump and her family explored the Florida wetlands

The Daily Mail recently reported that the Kushners were spotted at Everglades Holiday Park. The Florida tourist attraction specializes in airboat tours to see the large assortment of alligators and other wildlife that inhabit the local wetlands. They were accompanied by two Secret Service agents, to which any president's immediate family is entitled even after his term of office is over. Photographers caught candids of the family walking through the park to reach the airboat area. Ivanka, in a long blue dress and wide straw hat, held Theodore's hand while his siblings walked close to their dad. In keeping with the park's regulations, the whole family wore masks throughout.


During the hour-long ride on the speedy boat, the kids kept a sharp lookout for the gators. Their mom, however, was spotted several times scrolling through her cell phone, which she kept on hand most of the day. The family was photographed passing by the park's cafe and an area which appeared to be under construction. Though the park also offers 45-minute "Everglades Animal Encounters," where visitors can interact with baby gators and other local critters, it doesn't appear as if the Kushners included that in their visit.

This appears to be Ivanka Trump's family's most exciting outing since their move to Florida, but there are sure to be others. Can a Disney World trip be far behind?

