The Makeup Product 28% Of People Are Willing To Spend The Most On

Makeup purchases can range from budget, to indulgent. There are certain products we may be willing to spend a lot of money on, while others are less important to our daily routine, and take a back seat to those we shell out significant cash for. The List polled 652 people to find out which cosmetics they will pay up for, and the results are in, with nearly 30 percent of respondents sharing the top product that is worth their hard earned money.


If you guessed foundation is the top product people don't mind opening their wallets for, you'd be right. This makes sense, since foundation is the base of one's entire makeup palette. But the other makeup essential our respondents noted they will budget their money for behind foundation may surprise you — unless you are like the 16.72 percent of people who make mula just for the pleasure of purchasing pricey mascara.

What other cosmetics are worthy of spending more money on than most? And do you agree that these products trump all others in your makeup arsenal?

Makeup products people pay up for other than foundation and mascara

Concealer is a very important makeup purchase for 13.19 percent of people polled by The List. Clearly showing the best side of the skin is a priority for most makeup fans, given that foundation is the product that garnered most folks' votes. Meanwhile, lipstick is a splurge-worthy product for 9.51 percent of those polled, and blush was the cosmetic 8.59 percent of people were not bothered to balance their checkbooks for. Primer rounded out the products people pay up for, with 6.44 percent of votes. It's worth noting that other products made up 17.33 percent of respondents' votes in The List poll.


A few other makeup products made the poll, with at least one respondent noting tinted sunscreen was the must-have cosmetic, even if it costs more. Eyeshadow was mentioned, as was highlighter, and eyeliner also was also brought up as a makeup purchase worthy of way more money than the rest of that which makes up a makeup bag.

