What We Know About Bob Dole's Sad Diagnosis

Bob Dole served as a senator from Kansas for an incredibly long time: he was in office from 1969 to 1996, according to NBC News. Additionally, Dole threw his hat into the presidential election in 1996, becoming the Republican nominee; he ultimately lost the election to Democrat Bill Clinton.


Prior to his time in the Senate and before his bid to be commander in chief, Dole was active in the House of Representatives. He was also the VP pick of Republican Gerald Ford, who ran for president in 1976 and lost to Democrat Jimmy Carter.

And before his arguably impressive and enduring career in politics, Dole was a soldier in the United States Army. According to promotional copy for his book, One Soldier's Story: A Memoir, Dole was gravely wounded while serving in World War II. "Over the next three years, not expected to survive, he lapsed in and out of consciousness, lost a kidney, lost the use of his right arm, and most of the feeling in his left arm," the testimonial shared. "But he willed himself to live." Clearly homeboy has some staying power, because he's now 97 years old.


Dole shared his cancer diagnosis on social media

While Bob Dole has obviously been blessed with a long and accomplished life, the former senator shared some bad health news on Twitter on Feb. 18, 2021. "Recently, I was diagnosed with stage four lung cancer. My first treatment will begin on Monday," he revealed. "While I certainly have some hurdles ahead, I also know that I join millions of Americans who face significant health challenges of their own." 


While we don't know anything other than the diagnosis, reception of the revelation on social media was mixed. "God bless you," one user wrote. "Thank you for your service, and leadership. You're still an inspiration." However, other reactions were less glowing. "Not dumping on Senator Dole but he'll get the best healthcare his government pension/plan can provide," another user shared. "AND I wish him well. Just sayin." One user even tweeted that Dole said he doubted tobacco was addictive back in 1996.

While stage four lung cancer is treatable, it's likely that Dole will need palliative care, as noted by Healthline.

