The Candle Scents You Should Burn If You Need To Relax

Over the past year we've spent way more time in our homes than we anticipated, so it's no surprise that 2020 saw a surge in candle sales. "Home scent has been a strong performer all year," Larissa Jensen, vice president and beauty industry advisor for market researcher The NPD Group, told CNBC in December. "All of that's really tied to the fact that we are more homebound than ever."


Lighting candles before we settle in with a good book or TV show is relaxing in itself. But certain scents are associated with relaxation and even reduced anxiety — so those are the candle scents you'll want to light when you really need to relax.

Lavender is the perfect example. According to Medical News Today, a recent study found that the scent has calming properties that help ease anxiety. Another scent to light when you're stressed is rose. A study published in the journal Natural Product Communications found that smelling rose oil decreased the breathing rate and blood pressure of participants.

There are other relaxing candle scents to try

Another scent that promotes relaxation is lemon. In fact, one study found that, in essential oil form, lemon is actually more effective for stress relief than lavender and rose (via Behavioural Brain Research).


Then there's jasmine. This scent has been touted as the perfect natural remedy for anxiety and depression for years. One study (via Science Daily) even suggested that it could be used as a substitute for prescription valium, which is used to treat anxiety.

A eucalyptus candle also might be just what the doctor ordered after a stressful day. Per Healthline, eucalyptus is known for being a stress and anxiety reducer.

Finally, candles scented with bergamot, a citrus fruit, definitely belong in your relaxing candles collection. According to Medical News Today, studies have found that bergamot aromatherapy reduces anxiety.

It's also worth noting that all these scents are available as essential oils, which can be used in a variety of ways — in a diffuser, in a steam, simply smelled from the bottle, diluted and applied directly to the skin, and more (Cleveland Clinic).


