The Real Reason You Need To Start Using A Shampoo Brush

Hair washing isn't many people's favorite activity. Between the detangling, drying and styling, it can take a while to get your mane looking the way that you want it. A shampoo brush — also known as a scalp brush — can make things easier, however.

According to Marie Claire, scalp brushes tout benefits such as improved hair health, better scalp circulation and easier detangling. You can use shampoo brushes in the shower, as the name suggests, to stimulate the follicles in this area by gently brushing in small circles. This helps increase circulation to the area, bringing nutrients and a revitalized lift to your hair.

These tools usually use plastic bristles to do a deep clean of the scalp. Just like the rest of your skin, your scalp can show the damaging side effects of stress and, thus, need some TLC to work properly. "Oxidative stress on the scalp can cause not only inflammation, but also aging of the scalp, which can result in hair thinning and hair loss," Dr. Kevin Mun, PhD tells Well+Good. "Also, the clogging of the follicles on the scalp could similarly result in breakage, dryness, and even hair loss."

By using a shampoo brush when washing your hair, you can stimulate various cells on the scalp while further massaging in your hair product.

Shampoo brushes remove build up

If you've noticed your hair thinning, grabbing a shampoo brush may be a good idea to help grow your strands. When your follicles are clogged from dry shampoo, conditioners, and other products, it inhibits the growth of a healthy mane. By using your spiky brush, you can quickly remove this debris to encourage strong hair growth. Dr. Dominic Burg, chief scientist hair biologist tells the Sunday Edit, "Shampoo brushes can be a great inclusion to your scalp health routine as they can help you thoroughly cleanse the scalp, remove excess cell debris as well as residual dry shampoo, and other follicle-clogging substances."

While you may have learned that brushing your hair while it's wet is always a non-starter, using a shampoo brush makes an important exception to the rule. Shampoo brushes are supposed to help with wet hair, meaning that they're designed to glide through your strands without pulling or causing damage.

The outlet suggests starting by adding shampoo to your wet hair, then using your brush to massage in small circular motions all over your scalp. Finish with conditioner and notice how different your strands feel in a few weeks. But, remember that this technique is considered a deep cleanse, so you can do it about once a week to help stimulate your hair growth and clear out your scalp.