Why Meghan McCain Is Disappointed With Joe Biden's Congressional Address

On April 28, Joe Biden addressed the nation in a hopeful speech detailing his first 100 days in office and what he hopes to accomplish during his presidency. In the roughly hour-long address, the president touched on infrastructure, American jobs, gun control, police reform, vaccination rates, and more (via CBS News). Vice President Kamala Harris and Speaker Nancy Pelosi also made history that night, as the pair became the first women to sit behind a president during a formal address to Congress (via The New York Times).


"America is moving. Moving forward. And we can't stop now ... We're in a great inflection point in history. We have to do more than just build back. We have to build back better," the president said in his address (via The White House).

While many people applauded Biden's words to Congress and the nation, there were, of course, critics and skeptics as well.

One of the people disappointed in Biden's congressional address was Meghan McCain

One of those critics of the president's address was "The View" co-host Meghan McCain, who laid into Biden during the show the next morning (via Twitter). "There was a concern when President Biden was elected that despite his almost 40-year career in Congress as a centrist that he would govern as a progressive, that he was sort of this Trojan horse for progressive policies," she said. (via Decider). And although McCain originally said she had "faith that he wouldn't do that," she backtracked on her previous hopes for the way Biden would govern the nation. "That faith has gone completely out the window," she said, calling the address "by far the most progressive speech of any modern president I think since LBJ."


McCain also argued that Biden's policies would negatively affect her generation. "The answer to every single problem in America is to write a check and bankrupt my generation in the process," she said (via Raw Story). "He is showing he's going to make his mark and be the most progressive president of my lifetime and it is very disappointing to the people who had faith in him for running as a centrist."

Whoopi Goldberg didn't hold back from sharing her opinions, either

"The View" co-host Whoopi Goldberg quickly shot back at Meghan McCain, challenging her criticisms of President Joe Biden while pointing out the hypocrisy of McCain's statements. "As far as how much stuff is going to cost us, I don't remember people flipping out about the fact that our deficit grew by $2 trillion under you-know-who," she said (via Decider). "I'm saying that only because, yeah, somebody is gonna have to clean up this mess."


She continued, "There is a mess, and whether it is a Republican mess or a Democratic mess it doesn't matter because it's a mess for the American people. And all I care about is finding a way to clean it up ... for all those young people ... you don't want to grow up in this country in the garbage."

