When You Take Aspirin Every Day, This Is What Happens

Aspirin is a common over-the-counter, or OTC, medication available in most pharmacies, grocery stores, and drugstores. Just like ibuprofen, it has many uses, but the main reason why people take the OTC drug is to treat minor problems in the body. According to WebMD, the drug alleviates fever and helps with pain, such as toothaches, muscle aches, and headaches.


Chances are you have a blister pack or a box of the internal analgesic stored at home for emergencies. Aspirin is also considered a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID). Basically, the painkiller works by reducing pain in the body by helping to lower inflammation. Some people call aspirin a "wonder drug," simply because it also helps with other health problems, such as period cramps, arthritis, and migraines. It can also help to prevent a heart attack or stroke (via Medical News Today).

"Aspirin is the one drug I would take to a desert island with me," Dr. Mark Fendrick, a professor of internal medicine at the University of Michigan, told WebMD. He also added that the medicine is pretty affordable for daily use, and it has many benefits. While some people do indeed take aspirin regularly to prevent heart attacks and strokes (as prescribed by their doctor), it does not mean it is safe for everyone (via the American Stroke Association).


Taking aspirin every day can lead to kidney failure

The use of aspirin for various health reasons has become popular throughout the years. According to the U.S. Food & Drug Administration, medical professionals often prescribe aspirin to people with cardiovascular problems. They take the drug to lower the risk of heart attacks, blood flow problems, and clot-related strokes. While the benefits are great for these people, it does not mean anyone can just follow and self-medicate. It is important to note that the patients who take aspirin daily are being monitored by their doctors. Taking the internal analgesic without your health provider's knowledge can lead to more health-related risks. In other words, you will create more problems in your body than preventing a heart attack or stroke.


According to the National Kidney Foundation, daily intake of over-the-counter medications, such as aspirin, ibuprofen, and naproxen, can damage the kidney. And once the organ is damaged, there is no reversible cure. Furthermore, taking aspirin every day can also lead to bleeding in the brain and stomach. Despite its many benefits, the daily intake of aspirin is not entirely safe — especially when you don't have any previous heart problems. When it comes to medications, always consult your doctor as they know what's best for you.

