The Hair Care Brand Created By Beyoncé's Stylist

Queen Bey has endless qualities that have earned her that iconic star status. But along with a killer singing voice, amazing dance moves, and beautiful babies, her hair is a work of art. And if you're wondering how she and other stars get stage-ready hair so consistently, the secret might be the hair care brand created by Beyoncé's stylist. She and other A-listers turn to Iles Formula, a brand of hair care products created by Wendy Iles. Iles caters to big names like Beyoncé, Eva Longoria, Chloë Sevigny, and Hilary Swank. With repair and healthy hair in mind, the stylist spent a decade perfecting her formula and it is now available to everyone interested in giving it a try (per The Zoe Report). 


According to the company's official website, Iles relies on raw ingredients to make her products. There are 16 key raw ingredients in the Iles Formula Shampoo, and an impressive 24 in the Iles Formula Conditioner and Iles Formula Finishing Serum. The ingredients are locally sourced and the combinations are suitable for all hair types.

The inspiration behind Iles Formula

Part of the reason her brand is so powerful is its personal inception. Speaking with Influenster about her road to success, Wendy Iles shared that she originally created the hair care products just to use on herself. 


"Starting Iles Formula was never on the plan, ever," she said. "It takes a lot of courage to actually put your name on a bottle, develop a formula, and sell it to the world. It's not just being a passionate hairdresser and being good at what you do. I first developed [Iles Formula] just for me on set. It was my celeb clients who pushed me off the cliff because never in a million years had I thought to take those formulas public." 

Her secret to balancing her role as a celebrity stylist with a growing brand is the power of saying "No" — something we could all afford to do from time to time. "So the inspiration? There was no inspiration about going public, but it takes every breath I breathe," she shared. "I'm still trying to juggle my A-listers, because they rely on me too and I don't want to let them down. I'm learning to say no more often and make space for Iles Formula and my celeb clients. It's a lot, but I'm good with pressure and I love what I do."


Iles' commitment to quality and self care shine through into her work and her products. If you're looking for a new shampoo or serum, check out Iles Formula.

