Does The FasciaBlaster Really Work To Treat Cellulite?

Looking for the next big thing to eliminate cellulite is like searching for the fountain of youth, you may get close, but you never actually get your hands on it. When it comes to stubborn cellulite, according to mindbodygreen there have been some scientifically proven methods that help reduce it, unfortunately, eliminating this common cause of insecurity is nearly impossible.

According to a study in the "Journal of Cosmetic and Laser Therapy," this genetic trait affects up to 98% of women, yet there have been few scientific studies into this physical nuisance that's plagued so many. While limited, studies do suggest that caffeine and retinol based creams, when used consistently, can reduce cellulite and increase blood flow to the afflicted area (via mindbodygreen). 

The latest trend on the cellulite minimizing market is the FasciaBlaster, a handheld device claiming to whittle away at cellulite and reduce muscle pain. The theory is that by smoothing the fascia, a thin layer of skin covering the muscle, with targeted massage, you can level out those dimples, dents, and wrinkles (via Zwivel). 

The FasciaBlaster offers varied results

Developed by entrepreneur Ashley Black, the Fasciablaster is a handheld device to be massaged or rolled on the skin to promote blood flow, minimize pain, and reduce cellulite. Ashley has been named one of the top 12 female entrepreneurs to watch in 2021 by Thrive Global, who reports that more than three million people are "experiencing life-changing improvements in their health and beauty" due to the Fasciablaster.

But does the little massager actually reduce cellulite? Dr. Reza Tirgari of Avalon Laser in San Diego tells Zwivel that there is not enough evidence supporting the Fasciablaster cellulite reducing properties. Dr. Marc S. Schneider, the director of the Schneider Center for Plastic Surgery, agrees, telling Zwivel that "...using the Fascia Blaster for uses other than fascia release will leave the consumer disappointed."

According to Healthline, there are users who report that the fascia blasting technique reduces pain and even cellulite, but there is not much scientific research on its efficacy. The bottom line — the results of this tool aren't definitive as individual experiences vary. Whether you experience a noticeable decrease in pain or see a minimization of unwanted cellulite, the non-invasive tool might be worth a try. At the very least, you'll give yourself a relaxing massage!