Common Causes Of Joint Pain

If you suffer from joint pain, you know how uncomfortable it can be. Joint pain often occurs in areas where your bones meet, according to Healthline. That means if you experience pain in your shoulders, elbows, knees, or hips, you are likely feeling pain in your joints. While the aches and soreness of joint pain can be annoying and uncomfortable, you won't usually need to take yourself to the hospital, which is good news. Most joint pain can be remedied with over-the-counter pain medication.


Pinpointing the cause of joint pain might seem overwhelming. With so many possible reasons joint pain may occur, you may find yourself seeking answers. If you are experiencing swollen joints, a fever, deformed joints, immobile joints, or have just experienced a serious injury, you should seek care from a doctor. If you don't fall into those categories but experience an annoying soreness in one or more of your joints, your pain is likely caused by one of the following factors.

Arthritis could be the culprit

Arthritis is one of the most common ailments that affect your joints. It is an issue many people out there deal with daily. There are two different forms of arthritis: osteoarthritis (OA) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA), per Healthline.


OA tends to impact people in their 40s and beyond. If you are experiencing pain in your wrists, hands, hips, and knees, you may be dealing with OA. OA is the breakdown of cartilage in these joints that can lead to ongoing pain.

If you are dealing with joint pain and have ruled out OA as the probable cause, you may be suffering from RA. This form of arthritis impacts 1.5 million Americans. Women are more likely to be diagnosed with RA than men, according to Healthline. RA causes pain and inflammation from fluid buildup in the joints.

Both OA and RA are chronic conditions that do not have a suitable treatment available yet. However, doctors recommend staying active, getting massages, maintaining a healthy weight, and taking an over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medication to keep symptoms at bay.


Other causes of joint pain include injury and depression

According to the Cleveland Clinic, not all joint pain is a symptom of arthritis. Though it is a common diagnosis for people who suffer from joint pain, there are other causes out there. Joint pain can linger after a previous injury. If you have dealt with and recovered from an injury to one of your joints, soreness or ache after the healing process is a normal side effect. If you are overusing a muscle, you can experience joint pain as well.


Joint pain can also come from things most wouldn't expect them to. If you suffer from depression, anxiety, or stress, you may be more susceptible to joint pain. According to Very Well Mind, people who suffer from depression can experience chronic aches and pains at their joints. This can become debilitating for some. Harvard Health also found that weight gain can put stress on your body and cause you to experience pain in your joints.

Other ailments such as gout, bursitis, tendonitis, and viral infections can also cause joint pain. It is important to understand the cause of your pain so you can treat it to the best of your ability!

