This Is How To Make The Best Smoothie Ever

Blending up a smoothie may not be rocket science, but there are a few tricks of the trade that can make your concoction even more delicious and smooth. Their popularity has risen over the last few decades for good reason — they're jam-packed with nutrients and relatively easy to make. Plus, you can customize them with whatever flavors you love. Angie Asche, a registered dietitian explains to Yoga Journal, "Smoothies are an excellent post-workout option for [those] who experience lack of appetite post-workout, as they provide fluids, carbohydrates, and protein all in one."


According to the outlet, there's a particular order to follow when tossing all of your ingredients in the blender. Instead of dumping your dry food at the bottom, it's best to start with your liquid of choice. This helps keep the blades humming along as it blends the rest of the ingredients, staying lubricated throughout the whole process. Essentially, it helps limit the number of clumps you get in the final product. From here, the outlet recommends tossing in your greens to provide tons of antioxidants and your daily dose of nutrients. Don't forget: eating uncooked vegetables has serious health benefits. "Raw vegetables tend to have a larger amount of antioxidants, and certain nutrients such as vitamin C are destroyed by heat," Asche shares. "Adding leafy greens to your smoothies can be a simple and efficient way to consume more vegetables."


Fruit goes on top of the greens to ensure a smooth integration of all of the ingredients beneath. Since it has the heaviest density of the ingredients, this will help push down the greens to seamlessly blend into one.

Small additions go on top of the pile

Now that you've added your liquids, vegetables and fruits, you can add the lighter ingredients on top. This is where your nut butters, seeds, oils, spices and protein powders come in. Blender Recipe Reviews explains that this makes for the most optimal blend, especially when you start at a low speed. Instead of cranking your blender up to the highest degree, start slowly to ensure that each ingredient gets properly broken down. Otherwise, you may notice air bubbles that inhibit proper blending.


The outlet also notes that any frozen items should go in on top of the greens as well. If you're not adding vegetables, place the frozen foods on top of the liquid so that they blend easily. You may have noticed a more clunky blending process after adding your ice cubes to the top of the pile. Avoid a lumpy smoothie by following this order and placing your heavier items strategically. If you find that your concoction is still rather thick and you're not sure how much liquid you need, you can also use yogurt to break things up.

To readjust the texture, you'll need a few things. Yoga Journal recommends reaching for more fruit or nut butter if you notice your drink is too thin; these will help provide a richer texture. For smoothies that are too thick, extra liquid and a quick blend will do the trick.


A few simple tricks can improve your smoothie game in no time.

