How To Prepare For A Dermaplaning Service

Although a little hair on the face is nothing to be ashamed of (we all have it!), many of us want skin as smooth as a baby's bottom. But if all you have is some stubborn peach fuzz, taking a razor, tweezer, or waxing strip to the face may certainly not be the safest option. That's where dermaplaning comes in. Dermaplaning is an exfoliation method where a blade removes the top layer of dead skin, dirt, and oil from your face, per Healthline. It can help with acne scars, dull, dry, or sun-damaged skin, and even reduce the prominence of fine lines and wrinkles. It also often promotes a more flawless makeup application, as the products are able to penetrate deeper into the skin after a dermaplaning session, per SCG Skin Rejuvenation.


Dermaplaning can be done by a licensed esthetician or at home with a facial razor, but we recommend the professional service. Many of the amateur DIY tools aren't as effective as the surgical-grade scalpel that you would get with the real thing, and increase the risk of infection. Healthline notes that you may have to cough up around $250 at a salon for the service, but this way, your esthetician can make sure you get the right depth, angles, and precision with your precious pores.

It may sound nice to have someone do all the beauty work for you, but there are also steps you should take before a dermaplaning service. Read on for more information. 

What to do prior to your dermaplaning appointment

Although dermaplaning is a low-risk procedure, side effects such as redness, whiteheads, scarring, and hyperpigmentation can occur, according to Healthline. While dermaplaning can suit most skin types, those with active acne flare ups should avoid the treatment, as it can irritate the pores even further. So if this is your first-ever session, be sure to book a consultation beforehand, so your esthetician can assess your skin texture, coloring, and potential results for your skin's health.


Since dermaplaning is an intense exfoliation service, and there is definitely such a thing as over exfoliating, make sure to ditch any skin products that have exfoliating properties in them, such as retinols, exfoliation serums or cleansers, and scrubs, a few days prior to the service in order to give your skin cells the space they need to renew, as recommended by Beauty by Allison. Finally, avoid sun exposure at least five to seven days before the treatment. Sun damage leaves the skin more sensitive, therefore possibly making the dermaplaning process much more painful. You'll also certainly want to be able to hold still during the procedure to avoid any unnecessary pain.

Although dermaplaning does involve someone putting a giant, sharp blade onto your face, the procedure is actually nothing to be intimidated by. Just be sure to follow these steps, and with the help of your local spa, you'll be able to reveal a brighter, more youthful complexion in no time.


