Why A Former Royal Staffer Thinks Prince Harry Has It Out For Camilla

Prince Harry may not have a close relationship with his stepmother Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall. Royal expert Camilla Tominey recently wrote for The Telegraph that Camilla, who married Harry's father Prince Charles in 2005 (via The Royal Observer), still holds a grudge against Harry and his wife Meghan Markle for exiting the royal family in early 2020. The act reportedly greatly upset Charles, and Camilla has yet to forgive the Duke and Duchess of Sussex for their decision to leave their roles as senior members of the firm.


"I don't think the Duchess will ever forgive Meghan for what she's done to the Prince of Wales," a source reportedly told Tominey. Another insider claimed that Charles was deeply hurt by Harry's decision and that the aftermath of Harry's choice has been "really hard for him" to deal with. Another person revealed that despite Camilla's upset with Harry and Meghan, she'll continue to support Charles and the monarchy. "When he [Charles] becomes king, she'll understand the need to be by his side — as the Duke of Edinburgh was for the queen — and I don't think she's daunted by that," the friend stated. "It is not an exaggeration to say she has been his rock throughout this crisis," a source said of the couple's bond. 


Now another royal expert is claiming that the ill feelings between Harry and Camilla may get worse once the Duke of Sussex's new memoir is released.

Harry may call out Camilla for breaking up his parents' marriage

According to the Daily Mail, Prince Harry's upcoming memoir could cast a very negative light on his stepmother, Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall. Former royal butler, Paul Burrell, claimed that Harry may reveal Camilla's secrets in his new book, revealing that the book's publisher, Penguin, will "want their money's worth." Burrell added, "That means they won't want vagueness — they'll want names and specifics," claiming that Harry may be pressured to reveal the name of the person whom he and Meghan claimed made racially insensitive comments about the color of their son's skin.


While speaking to Closer Magazine, Burrell said that Harry may feel the need to speak out about Camilla because of the role she played in breaking up his parents' marriage. "He'll no doubt go in depth about his feelings after his mother's death, and the subsequent events. After the reports she was involved in his parents' marriage and then stepped into Diana's shoes as Charles' wife, I suspect Camilla will be in his sights, so I'd say Harry's set to reveal any Camilla secrets. He's already said he enjoys 'The Crown,' which painted Camilla as the 'wicked stepmother' in a way," the former royal staffer stated. Burrell also admitted that if Harry does speak poorly of Camilla, that his father would be absolutely "livid."


No matter what Harry decides to write about in his upcoming memoir, the book is sure to be a huge hit and will have royal enthusiasts running to the shelves to pick up a copy when it's released in 2022.

