The 3 Day Detox Cleanse Dr. Oz Recommends

As fall rolls around the corner, it can be tempting to seek out a fresh start — especially when it comes to health. While fad diets often give nutrition a bad rap, detoxes can be just as controversial. While it may be surprising, detoxes can offer some benefits, including upping the number of vitamins and minerals you consume if solid fruit isn't your thing (via Cleveland Clinic). According to the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, one 2017 study found that detoxes may help with slimming down at first, but it's mostly due to the low amount of calories in the drink.


The reality is that while juice cleanses can have some nutritional benefits, the clarifying effects are limited since the best detoxifier already exists within us: the liver. As per Mayo Clinic, the liver does most of the work by getting rid of toxins, and when taken to the extreme, detox diets can deprive the body of protein which does more harm than good and can leave you feeling tired. Nevertheless, if your heart is dead set on trying a cleanse, it can help switch things up and kick start your journey to better health when done in moderation. Keep reading to see the detox plan Dr. Oz suggests, chock full of yummy fruits and vegetables.

The detox plan is liquid-based with anti-aging goodness

Throughout the three-day detox plan laid out on a segment during his show, Oz recommends sipping on three different drinks daily plus a snack drink which he claims helped reset his body. A clip from the segment shows Oz blending various ingredients to concoct the detox recipes. He then proceeds to direct viewers to kick off the day using a detox morning tea made with green tea, lemon, and stevia to get ready for the day. Next follows what the plan calls a breakfast drink: key ingredients include raspberries, banana, spinach, and almond butter mixed with water. 


To shed light on the advantages of the detox, Oz brings on dietitian Julieanna Hever who speaks about the phytochemicals found in fruits and vegetables, which can aid the liver in detoxifying. As stated by Harvard Health Publishing, there is evidence to suggest that phytochemicals may be able to prevent certain diseases like cancer. Additionally, a 2015 study in the National Library of Medicine confirms that these phytochemicals also have antioxidants that help protect cells from damaging free radicals roaming around in the body to promote anti-aging. Even though the benefits are there, the cleanse does have some limitations. 

Will a detox cleanse actually help improve your energy levels?

The lunch drink is on the greener side, combining almond milk with celery, cucumber, kale, and green apple. However, the secret ingredient here is coconut oil, which in the video Oz's guest on the show, Dr. Mark Hyman, notes is anti-inflammatory. The detox calls for slightly more filling fats like avocado and flaxseed for dinner while keeping things sweet using mango and blueberries. Hyman praises coconut water as the star ingredient, thanks to its electrolytes and hydrating properties. To round out the day, there's even a bubble bath that calls for Epsom salt, and while it may not exactly be a major detoxifier, the lavender oil drops do sound super relaxing (via Shape).


According to Oz, certain cleanses like the lunch drink may feel like they give you a boost of energy. However, the fact is that it's probably in your head, as the Mayo Clinic states that there's little research to show that detoxes do what they claim. Still, as long as it's a cleanse that's on the shorter side like the plan recommended by Dr. Oz, or a delicious smoothie, at the very least, it's a way to sneak in your daily serving of fruits and vegetables.

