What Does It Mean When The Right Side Of Your Neck Hurts?

Body pain in any capacity can be an extremely alarming experience. However, feeling discomfort in and around the neck can be especially concerning given the way we use and rely on our necks on a daily basis. But what does it mean when the right side of your neck hurts? 

According to Healthline, experiencing pain in either side of your neck is generally nothing to be too concerned about, and is usually brought on by muscle strain in the area, bad posture, and awkward sleeping positions

Some other potential causes of pain in the right side of your neck include arthritis headaches (which are caused by inflammation and swelling in and around the neck), herniated disks in the cervical spine (otherwise known as the neck), a condition known as occipital neuralgia (which occurs when the nerves between the spinal cord and the scalp become damaged), and severe headaches such as migraines. 

Per Medical News Today, whiplash brought on by an accident or sudden head movement may also cause significant neck pain, and a person who suffers from stress and anxiety may also experience discomfort in the neck as their muscles in the area tend to be much tighter.

Here's when to seek medical attention for your neck pain

If you're suffering from a less serious type of neck pain, there are plenty of effective home remedies to treat your discomfort. Per Medical News Today, some of these include stretching the neck, massaging the neck, applying ice to the area, practicing good posture, reducing everyday stress, taking over-the-counter pain relievers and anti-inflammatory drugs, applying heat to the neck, sleeping in a beneficial position, and exercising the neck to keep it strong. 

According to Healthline, it is advised you see a doctor if your neck pain doesn't go away after a few days or weeks, and you should seek urgent medical attention if your neck pain is debilitating. 

Some of the treatments a doctor may suggest when dealing with neck pain include prescription-strength pain relieving medication, injectable medications into the side of the neck, muscle relaxants, physical therapy, and, in extreme cases, surgical procedures.