Here's What You Need To Research Before Choosing A Tattoo Artist

Tattoos have officially entered the mainstream, as the number of people choosing to tattoo themselves has been increasing steadily over the past few years (via Ipsos). If you're one of the many who have finally worked through their commitment issues (or are in therapy for them) and you've decided to get a tattoo, congratulations! You've taken the first (and hardest) step.


Now, as a tattoo virgin, you might find yourself scouring the net, organizing Pinterest boards, and asking random strangers about their tattoos. Or you might leave it up to the universe and hope inspiration strikes when you see the needle. Regardless, it's important that you trust your tattoo artist, like their art style, and regret nothing. 

Portland-based tattoo artist Brit Abad told Allure that you should "follow [the tattoo artist] online and gather a sense of who they are as a person ... Having a great experience actually getting the tattoo often has a huge effect on how a person feels about the tattoo on their body. Love your artist and you'll love the artwork even more."

Make sure your tattoo artist's style complements your design

Before getting a tattoo, one of the first things you may want to do is figure out the design you're going to be looking at forever. This may take some time, as you're committing to more than just an aesthetic. However, once you've found "the one," shop around and stalk a few tattoo artists online to make sure their art style complements the design you've chosen. 


Tattoo artist Jordanne Le Fae told Insider, "If you walk into a tattoo shop with a photo from [online] and request that your artist does that exact design, that is not only stealing and offensive to the original artist and the client that has that original tattoo, but it is also offensive to the artist you are asking to do it."

After shortlisting a few artists, shop around at several studios to find the price that works for you. Tattoos can be expensive and you definitely want to ask questions and give a detailed understanding of what you want to get an accurate estimate. Some details to keep in mind are the size of the tattoo, the design (a reference photo might help), the placement, and your availability (via Allure). Finally, make an appointment and walk out with a curated piece of body art!


