Here's What The November 19 Full Moon Means For Fire Signs

The full moon on November 19 is a special one, as it also happens to be during a partial lunar eclipse. The moon, which is also called the Beaver Moon (via Nylon), will enter into the Earth's shadow and that shadow will then display on the moon and appear to hide the moon in the night sky. While the event won't be a full eclipse, the shadows are set to cover about 97 percent of the moon's surface.

Of course, for those who follow the zodiac, they know an eclipse can bring about some interesting changes. "Eclipses reveal shadows, beaming on the hidden aspects of life that we'd rather not deal with," the Astro Twins write for Mind Body Green. "Their shake-ups can be as shocking as a tsunami and as transformational as the tornado that swept Dorothy Gale to Oz. The more grounded and stable you can be near Friday, the better. Out of the blue, you may have to shift into practical, resourceful mode in order to resolve whatever curveball this Taurus lunar eclipse sends your way. Whether a minor tremor or a seismic shift, whatever changes arise were overdue. No more ignoring what must be done!"

For those born under fire signs such as Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius, the full moon could prove to be the perfect time to focus on what's really important in your lives.

Fire signs should focus on themselves during November's full moon

November's new moon was a time to focus on finances, family, and mental health for fire signs Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius. As the month progresses towards the full moon on November 19, it will be much of the same for fire signs, per Vogue. For Aries (born between March 21 – April 19), the lunar event will impact your wallet. This will be the time of the month that you'll want to get your finances in order and plan for the future (the holidays are coming up!). Be mindful of your spending, but feel free to donate your favorite charities along the way.

For Leo (born between July 23 – August 22), now is the time to reflect on your career, especially if you've been feeling under-appreciated at work. A new opportunity could present itself to you at your current job, or you may find yourself getting an offer to move on and try your hand with a new company. Be sure to stay level-headed while making the decision and don't let your emotions rule during this time.

If you're a Sagittarius (born between November 22 – December 21), be sure to pay close attention to your body and mental state as November winds down. Make it a priority to get plenty of exercise and eat healthy food so that you feel good and look good.

Meanwhile, fire signs should prepare for the possible changes the full moon will bring as 2021 comes to a close.