Why Former Congresswoman Bachmann Is Lashing Out At Meghan Markle And Kamala Harris

During the first few years that Barack Obama was president, Michele Bachmann was all over the news. First, it was historic when she was elected to the House of Representatives as the first female member of the House from her state, Minnesota, in 2006. Second, her proud involvement in the ultra-conservative Tea Party movement grabbed media attention, as did her outspoken nature — a nature that clearly has not changed in the years since.


Bachmann was even a Democrat in her college years and campaigned for President Jimmy Carter, according to Britannica, but her views on abortion made her switch allegiance to the Republican Party by the 1980s. 

By 2000, she became a Minnesota state senator. In 2006, she began representing her state in the House, becoming a vocal proponent of Obama, going so far as to call his and other Democrats' views "anti-American" while he campaigned for president. 

After an unsuccessful run for the Republican presidential nomination in 2012, she didn't run for the House again until 2014 and fell into relative obscurity. But she still has a lot to say about other powerful women, including Vice President Kamala Harris and Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Sussex.


Michele Bachmann speaks her mind about two powerful American women

During a conversation with Fox News' Jesse Waters, Michele Bachmann let loose on Vice President Kamala Harris after a CNN report alleged that there's strife between Harris and President Joe Biden. According to CNN, Harris feels she's being sidelined and that nobody has been preparing her to take over as president in the event it should be needed. 


This prompted Bachmann to rant about everything from approval ratings to privilege — and not just Harris' perceived privilege. "When the president of the United States has approval ratings at 37% and 38% and they're dropping by the day, and Kamala Harris is down at 28%," Bachmann said (via Mediaite). "That means they're losing their own party." According to FiveThirtyEight.com, Biden's average approval sits at 43%.

Bachmann also took aim at Meghan Markle, the former American actress married to Britain's Prince Harry. Since the Duchess of Sussex has been getting involved in political causes, Bachmann compared her to Harris. 

"She sounds a lot like Meghan Markle to be honest with you," she said. "Both of these are very entitled people who claim constant victim class, and the fact is normal people are fed up with this, seriously fed up with this."


