Here's What The December 4 Solar Eclipse Means If You're An Air Sign

When the total solar eclipse occurs on December 4, 2021, air signs are in for a round of unexpected opportunities. According to Allure, the solar eclipse in Sagittarius signifies a cycle coming to an end, and this transition poses a multitude of possibilities for air signs willing to slow down and embrace the tides of change. This will allow you to seize these opportunities instead of letting them fall through your fingers.


If you're an air sign (Gemini, Libra, or Aquarius), you're used to sailing through life without much thought or hesitation (per Cosmopolitan). Your natural inclination may be to roll right through new changes without a backward glance, but you'll need to welcome what comes to you with open arms to make the most of this celestial occurrence on December 4. The direct impact the solar eclipse has on your life varies depending on which air sign you are, but regardless of that distinction, you should prepare for things to either finally work out or to come to their natural end. 

Since the eclipse takes place in Sagittarius, this particular lunar event is centered around curiosity and educational teachings (via Goop). As an air sign, you may start to question what you previously knew to be true during this time, but that isn't necessarily a bad thing. Here's what the December 4 solar eclipse means if you're an air sign, and what you need to do to fully embrace this added clarity as you begin to write the newest chapter of your life.


Air signs should take a closer look at their lives during the December 4 solar eclipse

If you're an Aquarius, use the solar eclipse on December 4, 2021 to question whether you're devoting your energy to the right people. Examine the company you keep and ask yourself if you're meshing with the people in your life or if it's time to expand your horizons and seek out individuals with goals and morals that more closely align with your own (per Well + Good).


For Geminis, your time of questioning during the solar eclipse focuses more on romantic relationships than it does on platonic partnerships. If you've been struggling in your relationship, the month of December will force you to finally make things work or to make the tough call of ending things before they get even worse (via Well + Good). Use the solar eclipse's clarity to show you what you should embrace and what you should let go of heading into 2022.

If you're a Libra, a major shift is going to occur for you during the solar eclipse on December 4. This lunar event is going to highlight the ways you present yourself to the world around you and will call into question whether you're defining yourself based on your opinion of yourself, or if you're being too heavily influenced by the opinion of others (per Well + Good). 


Find your truth in everything you do, air signs, and you'll use these soul-searching opportunities to your advantage.

