Here's What The December 4 Solar Eclipse Means If You're A Water Sign

Welcome to Sagittarius season, friends! Not only are we all in fiery Sag this early December, but Mercury is also, inspiring us to seek our inner truths, come clean about anything weighing on our hearts, get adventurous with trying new things, and dream big (Bustle). Another major celestial event early in this last month of the year is a solar eclipse, which will peak on December 3 at 4:00 ET. 


When the sun aligns with the moon during Sagittarius season, shifts will come in hot and fast. While new moons are usually the time to set intentions and manifest new beginnings, because this new moon will overlap with the eclipse, you'll want to approach this event differently. Instead, it will be a good time for introspection; consider how you've evolved and grown and changed over the past year, and take a clear look at the beliefs you've long held. Are they still aligned with your truth? Do they still serve you? 

Ask these big questions of yourself, and you're likely to feel major new doors open for adventure and opportunity to expand your horizons.

What to expect if you're a water sign

While the above overarching themes are likely to apply to all of us, regardless of zodiac sign, if you are a water sign, there are some specific things you should look out for, according to In Style


If you're a cancer, born between June 21 and July 22, this eclipse will be all about wellness for you. This is a great time to come out of your proverbial crab shell and make bold steps toward change. If you shake up your routine, you're likely to feel that new energy flood every facet of your life and open doors to adventure and new dreams.  

If you're a Scorpio, born between October 23 and November 21, the eclipse will make its biggest waves in your financial and professional lives. If you have been feeling under-appreciated or under-compensated at work, this is exactly the right time to consider whether your current employment situation is truly serving you. If there is a change you've been wanting to make in this regard, whether asking for a raise or switching careers entirely, this is the time to take action.  


And if you're a Pisces, born between February 19 and March 20, this eclipse will affect your career in a positive way; you might find yourself shoved into the spotlight or you might be handed a new opportunity for creative endeavor. Embrace these chances and know you are more than capable.

