How To Get Rid Of Car Sickness

While going on a long drive or taking a road trip could be a joyous experience for many people out there, it could turn into a nightmare for those who suffer from car sickness. Also known as motion sickness — as it can occur on a ship or airplane, too — the condition can cause a person to feel nauseous, dizzy, and can even make them throw up. According to Cleveland Clinic, while car sickness can affect people regardless of age or gender, women and children are more vulnerable to it. People who often get migraines are also prone to experiencing car sickness.


As explained by Family Doctor, car sickness is triggered by movement. It can also be set off by seeing other people or things move. The condition is not life-threatening and it generally subsides when the car stops. Sometimes, an infection in your ear or Parkinson's disease can cause motion sickness to occur.

Ways to overcome car sickness

Car sickness can be a very unpleasant experience, in part because it happens without warning. What's more, your condition can worsen very quickly. However, there are ways to control it, both through medication and by taking some precautionary steps.


According to Family Doctor, if you often experience car sickness, you can take some over-the-counter medicines especially formulated for this condition two or three hours before travelling. This can greatly alleviate your condition and make your journey more pleasant and smooth. You might want to consider choosing the correct seat for yourself if you want to avoid car sickness. Per the website, it's best to sit on the front passenger seat in the car so that you can look straight ahead. Moreover, these seats will have you experience fewer bumps, as bumps can worsen your condition.

Another step to reduce the chances of experiencing car sickness is to get some fresh air by rolling down the car window or turning on the air conditioner. You may also want to close your eyes while travelling or look straight ahead at a distant object. Moreover, it's best to avoid reading when travelling, as that is also known to trigger the condition. 


What else can I do to avoid car sickness?

Other steps could also help minimize the chances of experiencing car sickness. For instance, if you feel very sick in the car, you can lie down and focus on something else. Similarly, as Cleveland Clinic suggests, breathing in some soothing herbs, such as ginger, lavender, or mint, can prevent nausea. In addition to that, you can put ginger or peppermint flavored candy in your mouth to avoid feeling sick.


Drinking plenty of water before starting your journey could also be very helpful, as hydration will always make you feel fresh. You may want to avoid smoking or drinking alcohol before travelling if you're prone to motion sickness. Cleveland Clinic also recommends people wear acupressure wristbands, as certain pressure points in the body can also help manage this condition. By following these simple steps, you can make your car-travelling experience much more pleasant.

