What Fans Get Wrong About Lucy Punch's Role As Kate Middleton - Exclusive

England isn't the only place where Kate Middleton is a major deal. Even many of us here in the states have an obsession with the Royal family — and why shouldn't we? Living a life of fame and fortune in the comfort of a giant castle sounds like a dream come true. The world wants to know every detail of what it's like, which is why over 17 million people tuned in to watch Meghan Markle and Prince Harry tell all to Oprah, according to CNBC.


Due to such high demand in wanting to see the royals on television, HBO Max even released an animated series all about them earlier this year. "The Prince" is a fictional story all about what it's like growing up in royalty, and it also pokes a bit of fun at the famous family (via YouTube). The intention of the series was to get a laugh out of anybody who watches, but unfortunately, "it caused quite a bit of controversy," actress Lucy Punch — who plays Kate Middleton — told The List in an exclusive interview. She also told us exactly what she wants fans to know about her portrayal of the iconic character.

None of the characters are supposed to be taken seriously

When Lucy Punch was first cast as Kate Middleton in "The Prince," she didn't prepare at all to play the British icon. In fact, the creator of the series didn't want any of the actors to impersonate their royal characters. "He was like, 'I don't want you to sound like the character. Do whatever you want,'" Punch explained, leaving her with complete creative control over what she thought a duchess would sound like.  


Along with her co-stars Orlando Bloom, Sophie Turner, and Alan Cumming, Punch intended to dramatize every single detail of her royal character's life. "It was, like, so fantastical and crazy and over the top and silly," Punch told us. "It was never meant to be based in any sort of reality." Unfortunately, since the series was released around the same time as the sudden death of Prince Philip as well as Oprah Winfrey's eye-opening interview with Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, the reaction to the parody wasn't exactly what the cast had hoped for. For all of the fans out there who felt insulted, "I was just sorry that it offended some people," Punch said. "Because that was never the intention."


Season 1 of "The Prince" is available to stream exclusively on HBO Max. Lucy Punch's newest film, "Silent Night," is currently in theaters and on AMC+.

