The Most Helpful Morning Routine Habits, According To Experts

You may not have a YouTube channel to wake up to or subscribers to greet, but a morning routine is still important to have. The benefits of having a set routine in the morning are many, per Very Well Mind — ranging from helping you become emotionally resilient to stressors to increasing your productivity throughout the day "A healthy, low-stress, [and] focused morning routine sets the tone for the whole day," clinical psychologist Ryan Howes told Self.


Additionally, with the sudden rise of anxiety and depression in adults (thanks to the pandemic), structured habits are more likely to help us get through present and future stressful periods, The New York Times notes. "When people don't have a routine or structure to their day it can cause increased stress and anxiety, as well as overwhelming feelings, lack of concentration, and focus," psychologist Rachel Goldman told Very Well Mind. If you're uninitiated to the art of crafting the perfect morning routine, or just need help with your current one, here's what the experts have to say.

The key to a great morning routine is to be mindful and stay consistent

Many studies have evidenced the positive effects of having a morning routine on mental health, but categorizing what exactly works for you may help even more. For one, taking the time to make a healthy breakfast and do your skincare would be a primary habit (to maintain livelihood), while working out and reading are secondary habits, per the U.S. Library of National Medicine. You'll definitely have to work in a few primary habits to ensure good health. But depending on the time and energy you have in the morning, you can integrate other activities that motivate you.


"Getting out of bed is the first step. Then, select one activity that you can bring full attention to, whether that be prayer, affirmation, a physical stretch, or brushing your teeth," clinical psychologist Erin Engle suggested to Insider. Basically, be intentional with what you choose to do and stay consistent. Engle also suggested having a fixed waking up time (and zero snooze alarms, because they really do nothing for you). 

On that note, try staying away from your phone when you wake up — notifications and breaking news can remove you from a state of calmness, according to Self. The goal is to stay relaxed and positive longer — meditation, stretches and journaling can help — but make sure you don't rush through any of it. You should only include what is doable for you, in the long-term.


