The Ultimate Gift Guide For A Sagittarius

Shopping for the Sagittarius in your life can be overwhelming this time of year. Since their birthdays fall between November 22 and December 21, you'll likely have just purchased them a birthday gift and now need to find the perfect holiday present, too!

Your Sagittarius friend or family member is likely to get bored of things quickly, so making sure you find the perfect gift after just nailing down the perfect birthday present can be a difficult task (via PureWow).

You already know that the Sagittarius in your life is truly unique. People born under this sign are passionate, curious, and constantly seeking knowledge (per Allure). They are a mutable sign, which means they are perfect at adapting to change and are incredibly flexible. This easy-going but adventurous sign brings a lot of fun and adventure into your life. So, it might be difficult to pick out the perfect gift for them. We are here to help!

Take them on an adventure

The Sagittarius in your life likely brings out an adventurous side of you. Due to their love of exploring and being fearless wanderers, these signs thrive when in a new environment (via Co-Star Astrology). With this love of new scenery and their ability to adapt, these signs make great foreign correspondents.

For your Sagittarius friend who loves adventure, give them the gift of a trip! Even if it is just a day trip to a place a few hours away that they've never been to before, no sign loves to travel more than Sagittarius (via Pink Villa).

While a full-on vacation to another place would be a dream gift for your Sagittarius, even taking a hike on a new trail would be ideal for this sign. Sagittarius loves to see the world and explore, so gifting them with an experience outside of their hometown would be the perfect gift! Plus, you get some quality time with your friend in a new place, too.

Gift them a day at a museum

Giving the gift of an experience to the Sagittarius in your life is the perfect gift. However, if booking a trip is out of your price range or too overwhelming to put together for the holidays, gifting them tickets to a museum is the next best thing (via HuffPost).

The open-minded Sagittarius is obsessed with learning. Since they are so open to new ideas, they are constantly seeking to learn more about the world. Plus, these signs are extremely intellectual (via PureWow). Whether you get them tickets to an art museum or one centered around history, your thoughtful Sagittarius will love the opportunity to expand their minds more.

Plus, there is no one better to go to a museum with than a Sagittarius, so you're in for a treat. They will constantly look to expand your mindset on the topic you're learning about and keep you on your toes. It is sure to be both a perfect gift and a great time for both of you!

Buy them a new board game for a night in

If going on a trip or hitting up the local museum doesn't seem like your Sagittarius' vibe, how about giving them a night in? It might sound crazy to try to tie down these adventurous beings into a room they are familiar with and keep them there. Believe it or not, they might be super into the idea.

According to HuffPost, no one loves a good board game more than a Sagittarius. This sign is notoriously playful and fun, meaning they love to get competitive and spend hours playing tabletop games. You could gift them a new board game and plan an evening in, letting their competitive and playful sides come out.

The Gamer recommends gifting your Sagittarius Monopoly. Since they are strongly opinionated and aren't afraid to speak their mind, Monopoly makes for the perfect gift. Get ready for high rent charges at the hands of your Sagittarius. This competitive sign will be a blast to stay in and play games with this holiday season!