What An Investigation Just Revealed About Nancy Pelosi's Son

This week, the Daily Mail released a lengthy report on Nancy Pelosi's son, Paul Pelosi Jr., that is raising eyebrows. As far back as 2007, Pelosi Jr. has been linked to at least five businesses that the Security and Exchange Commission has investigated.


In February 2007, for instance, Pelosi Jr. was hired as Senior Vice President by InfoUSA, an Omaha-based database marking company. While the company had faced allegations of selling consumer information, its founder, Vin Gupta, has many questioning the motivation for hiring Pelosi Jr. After all, Gupta was a major donor to former president Bill Clinton. In 2007, Gupta was investigated by the Securities and Exchange Commission (a.k.a. The SEC) after he allegedly used company money to fly both Bill and Hillary Clinton on corporate jets. Official charges were brought against Gupta in 2010, the New York Post reports, but the case was eventually settled out of court.

However, Pelosi Jr.'s time at InfoUSA wouldn't be his only run-in with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Over the next decade, they shadow him from company to company, with his hiring coming right after or right before investigations start. InfoUSA also wasn't the only company whose owner had been investigated with major ties to the Democratic Party. According to the Daily Mail's report, many are questioning the motivations behind Pelosi Jr.'s hiring by these companies and whose political ambitions it was supposedly helping.


Is Nancy Pelosi's son going to jail?

Paul Pelosi Jr.'s trouble didn't end at InfoUSA. In 2009, he co-founded an investment company called Natural Blue Resources Inc, whose mission was to "create, acquire, or otherwise invest in environmentally-friendly companies," according to the New York Post. However, in 2014 the Securities and Exchange Commission charged former New Mexico Governor Toney Anaya, Erik Perry, a former executive at Natural Blue, and James E. Cohen and Joseph Corazzi with fraud.


The SEC alleged the company was actually being run by Cohen and Corazzi, one of which was not legally allowed to be an officer of a public company. According to a 2014 article from Forbes, Cohen had pleaded guilty to attempted grand larceny and enterprise corruption in New York state, where he was sentenced to one to three years of jail time. Corazzi was "barred from acting as an officer or director of a public company," Forbes reports since a 2002 judgment against him for "fraudulently" overstating his assets.

However, despite owning more than 10 million shares of Natural Blue Resources, Cohen and Corazzi fired Pelosi Jr. from the board once he began objecting to fundraising contracts. The SEC also said that Pelosi Jr. wasn't part of why the company was being investigated. Plus, Pelosi Jr. even testified against his former business partners in court about the allegations.


Pelosi Jr. will even admit he's been duped by his involvement with companies like Natural Blue and InfoUSA, according to the Daily Mail. Hiring the son of a powerful Democrat, like Nancy Pelosi, and a savvy broker could mean influencing everything from elections to laws. But in this case, the only attention these companies got was from the SEC.

