Hillary Clinton's Response To Russia's Sanction Has Twitter In A Tizzy

As Russia wages war on Ukraine, it has been hit with sanctions by the United States and NATO allies around the world. Per the BBC, this includes a ban on the delivery of luxury goods from the U.K. and the EU to Russia, sanctions on members of the Russian regime, and a U.S. ban on Russian oil. "We're banning all imports of Russian oil and gas and energy," U.S. President Joe Biden said in White House press briefing. "That means Russian oil will no longer be acceptable at U.S. ports and the American people will deal another powerful blow to [President Vladimir] Putin."


While the sanctions have yet to halt Russian attacks, CNN reported that the country announced its own sanctions on several American officials, which prohibit them from traveling to Russia. According to the outlet, the list includes President Biden, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley, Biden National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan, CIA Director William Burns, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki, Deputy National Security Adviser Daleep Singh, USAID Director Samantha Power, Deputy Secretary of the Treasury Adewale Adeyemo, and U.S. Export-Import Bank President Reta Jo Lewis. But there are also people outside of the government on the ban list, including Hunter Biden and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.


Hillary Clinton seems unfazed about Russia's sanctions imposed on her

Despite Russia's new sanctions, Hillary Clinton seems largely unfazed, and instead posted an epic response to Twitter: "I want to thank the Russian Academy for this Lifetime Achievement Award." Almost immediately, her followers flocked to Twitter to praise her comment. "Dammit, the perfection of this tweet is cosmically unfair to every other tweet," one user wrote. "Knew she was a bada**, but discovering she's funny as hell is a delight," posted another. Per MSNBC, Clinton was only included on the list after she lashed out at Russian President Vladimir Putin. "It's so heartbreaking to me that Putin is acting out his own insecurities, his own resentments and grievances against the people of Ukraine — waging a war against a smaller state that is totally unprovoked," the former secretary of State told co-host Mika Brzezkinski.  "It really tells us everything we need to know about Putin."


Russia also banned a handful of Canadian officials, including Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Foreign Minister Mélanie Joly and Defense Minister Anita Anand from entering the country, according to CNN. And while Russia is expected to impose sanctions on additional Americans, White House press secretary Jen Psaki — who also made the list — said that it won't have much of an impact. "It won't surprise any of you that none of us are planning tourist trips to Russia, none of us have bank accounts that we won't be able to access, so we will forge ahead," she said, per CNN.

