Lorenza Izzo Shares The 'Painful' Incident She Had On The Set Of The Aviary - Exclusive

Making the psychological survival film "The Aviary" was intense. As the characters Jillian and Blair trek out into the barren desert after escaping a cult, so did the actors who played them (Malin Akerman and Lorenza Izzo, respectively). But the scorching days and freezing nights were something that Lorenza Izzo prepared herself for before ever stepping foot on set. "We were all really there to get our hands dirty for real in the desert," she said during an exclusive interview with The List. "And it was a wonderful experience."


While the cast had a blast hanging out off-screen, the times when they were acting on camera were a completely different story. In addition to the intense weather, getting into the emotional mindset of a brainwashed cult member was tough. Izzo was often as confused as her character as she tried to differentiate between Blair's reality and hallucinations. "It's so heavily layered," Izzo explained. "At any given moment, there's three different storylines happening in our heads."

While Izzo may have been prepared for the desert heat and the intense emotions she'd have to portray, there was still one "painful" aspect of filming that really bugged the actress.

Lorenza Izzo had to use a whole lot of ointment while filming The Aviary

Out of everything an actor can anticipate having happen in the middle of the desert, being bitten by bugs was not something Lorenza Izzo imagined would happen to her. In fact, one of her bites got so bad that the crew had to have a medic spend extra time with the actress on set. "I got bit on my bum, and that bite kept on growing and developing," Izzo shared with The List. "And there wasn't much to do, because I still had to wear the not-appropriate clothing, and I had to be sitting on my butt."


But as anyone in the entertainment industry will tell you: The show must go on. Izzo applied some of the special ointment that they prescribed to her and continued to focus on becoming Blair. "That was an actual real painful situation that we laughed about the entire shoot," she said.

As terrifying and dark as the film turned out to be, the cast could never stop themselves from making the most of it — even if they did happen to have a whole lot of bug bites. "It was wonderful," Izzo laughed.

"The Aviary" hits theaters on Friday, April 29. The film is also available on digital and on demand the same day.

