Medical Personnel Are Baffled By Kamala Harris' Use Of A Certain Pill

It was recently announced that Vice President Kamala Harris tested positive for the COVID-19 virus (via CNN). Harris sent out a tweet to let her followers know about her diagnosis and how she was doing. "Today I tested positive for COVID-19. I have no symptoms, and I will continue to isolate and follow CDC guidelines. I'm grateful to be both vaccinated and boosted," penned Harris.


Her press secretary, Kirsten Allen, stated that there was no cause for concern. She wasn't feeling any symptoms and had been staying away from other members of the administration. "She has not been a close contact to the President or First Lady due to their respective recent travel schedules. She will follow CDC guidelines and the advice of her physicians. The Vice President will return to the White House when she tests negative," shared Allen.

The vice president was vaccinated and received two booster shots prior to testing positive and she remained asymptomatic throughout the ordeal, reports Politico. However, a recent finding has doctors scratching their heads about Harris' COVID experience.


After she took this medication, some medical professionals were concerned

Throughout Vice President Kamala Harris' COVID-19 diagnosis, it's been repeated that she is currently asymptomatic and not dealing with any health concerns following her positive test. According to CNN, she was able to work following her test result, isolated from her team, of course.


However, medical experts are confused about the treatment she received for the virus (via the New York Post). She had taken the Pfizer pill Paxlovid, an antiviral pill usually used on patients who are experiencing intense symptoms from the virus.

Former Surgeon General Jerome Adams sent out a tweet questioning Harris' use of the pill, writing, "Asymptomatic covid and no medical issues isn't an indication for Paxlovid."

White House Secretary Jen Psaki clarified that she had received the medication from the White House COVID-19 Response Coordinator, stating, "She has been given Paxlovid. That's something many Americans may be eligible for. They should also consult with their doctor. And I think overall, we're just grateful that this is an approved drug on the market that many people can benefit from, including the vice president," via New York Post. Harris may have received the drug because it is occasionally given to those who are at risk for a complicated fight with the illness, even if they are experiencing mild or no symptoms at the time.


