Pregnancy Announcements Guaranteed To Make You Cry

Little can compare to finding out a loved one is pregnant. The thought of adding a baby to the family can make you laugh, cry, or scream with joy. These pregnancy announcements were so touching I found myself wiping away a tear with each one. See if you can make it through all of them without crying.


She sent a pregnancy test to him in the Air Force

Bee Blanco wanted to surprise her fiancé, Erik Blanco, when she learned she was pregnant. But that would be a little bit tricky, as he was thousands of miles away from home in Air Force training. Undaunted by the distance, Bee put her creativity to work to create a pregnancy announcement that neither he nor the internet would ever forget.


She sent him a FedEx box with instructions for opening it up on camera. She called it a Wedding Engagement Game and wrote that she wanted to see how much he knew about them as a couple. He diligently followed her instructions and lifted a homemade Scrabble game out of the box.

Erik easily answered the first two questions about when they had been engaged and were to be married. Then, he got stuck on the last question, "Our blank is in October." But, being an avid word game player, he quickly figured it out. "Our due date is in October," he said, his eyes tearing up. He then opened the other part of the package, which contained a pregnancy test.

Bee told The Daily Mail Online, "Erik and I both like to surprise each other, so much that it's almost become a competition. In July of 2015 Erik topped me by taking me to a Yankees game in New York and proposing to me, so when I found out I was pregnant I knew I had the perfect opportunity."


They couldn't conceive for 3 ½ years and then a miracle happened

Heather and her husband had been trying to get pregnant for three years and six months when she decided to take a pregnancy test. She did a live video of her pregnancy test, in which she explained that she had taken many before, all of which came out negative. But then, she took the test into the bathroom and cried with surprise when she found out it was positive.


Heather announced her pregnancy to her husband by putting "Big Brother" and "Big Sister" shirts on their dogs and then telling him there was a wasp in the house so he would rush home. At first he didn't notice the shirts, but when he did, he seemed in shock, hugging her and saying, "I don't know what to do."

The most emotional video is the one where they tell their family. Heather's stepmother and sister immediately burst into tears. They had to do a little explaining to his grandma, who eventually got it, saying, "We're pregnant?" The video ended with the title "My Mom" and an image of the positive pregnancy test floating into the sky on the end of a balloon — a reminder that even amidst the celebration, Heather remembered the loss of her mother.


They've since documented the first year of their baby Jackson's life, which you can watch on their YouTube channel.

You're going to be a big sister!

Hilary and Tim Barrett wanted a sweet and creative way to share their pregnancy with their two daughters. They came up with the perfect idea — cookie cakes that said "Big Sister" and "Big Sister... Again." The girls, Christina and Harleigh, ages 8 and 11, reacted with squeals and excitement. One of the most touching parts of the video was when Harleigh hugged Christina and said, "You're going to be a big sister!" Christina was especially excited, asking what the gender of the baby would be and wiping tears from her eyes.


The video went viral, and has received over seven million views. Barrett told TODAY, "Being able to share a genuine moment with people and have them experience our emotions and joy, even for just a second, has been really special."

If you're hungry for more footage of Christina, you can also watch the video of her meeting her baby brother for the first time.

Jane the Virgin pregnancy announcement

If you aren't already gaga for Jane the Virgin star Justin Baldano, this video will make you fall in love with him. He and his wife, Emily Foxler, announced their pregnancy to friends, family, and Jane the Virgin costars with a creative video.


The video started out recounting the success of the first year of Jane the Virgin. It cut to a shot of Jane and Rafael (Solano's character) looking at an ultrasound of their baby. The voiceover said, "Let's start here, shall we? Remember the surprise? Ah, well...that wasn't the only surprise." Then the video cut to a shot of Baldano with Foxler looking at an ultrasound. That's when the viewers erupted into shouts of joy, surprised faces, and tears.

It is truly moving to see all of the joy and excitement on the faces of their loved ones. At the end of the video, the couple found out the gender of their baby, which they kept to themselves. Their daughter, Maiya Grace Baldoni, was born on July 27, 2015. (Surprise! It was a girl!)


The best birthday present ever

In this short but sweet video, the husband has the best reaction to a pregnancy reaction ever. He bursts into tears, truly moved by the idea of having a child.

His partner sets it up by having him close his eyes. Then she goes and grabs a long white box from inside the desk, saying, "I got you something that I wanted us to be able to share together."


He eagerly opens it, wondering if it could be a watch. But when he gets to the innermost box and pops it open, he sees it's a positive pregnancy test. "What?" he says. "Are you serious?" He then puts his head in his hand, sobbing with joy. It truly looks like one of the happiest moments of his life.

She started crying when she found out she would be a big sister

In this adorable video, a little girl gets a box for her birthday with a note on it from her baby sister or baby brother. At first, the girl seems confused. Then she begins crying. Her mom says, "We love you!" Through her tears, she says, "I love you." She keeps crying and her mom asks if they are tears of happiness. She says, "It is." Then she asks, "How do you know?"


Her parents show her a picture of an ultrasound, to which she asks, "Is that in your tummy right now?" Her mother affirms and the girl then looks at her mom, eyes widening, now giggling. Her dad says, "Your birthday wish came true!"

"Yes!" she says enthusiastically before saying, "Thank you!" and kissing the picture of her new sibling.

Her husband cried tears of joy when he read her poem

Erika Jackson's husband Jacob proposed to her by giving her a picture book, so she wanted to surprise him with an equally thoughtful pregnancy announcement. She bought an art print of the house from Up sitting on Paradise Falls and wrote a poem on the back. The poem ended, "Adventure is out there! And it will always be now that the two of us are soon turning three!"


He loved the print, even asking if she had made it, to which she said, "Do you think I can draw that well?" He said he thought she could. (What a loving husband.) But the best part was when he turned the picture over and saw the poem. He cried and laughed at the same time, and turned away from the camera. After a few minutes of collecting himself, he ended the video by saying, "We did it!"

After years of infertility, she told him she was pregnant

Doug and Brenda Price had been trying to get pregnant for five years so she wanted to surprise him with the news that she was pregnant. As the couple filmed a video entry to win a fake trip to Aruba that Brenda had fabricated, Brenda said, "I would love a romantic getaway to Aruba... for our babymoon." Then she held up the positive pregnancy test. "I'm pregnant," she said. The couple cried and hugged.


On The Daily Share (via Inside Edition), they gave advice for other couples struggling to get pregnant. "Not give up hope is the number one thing, I think," Brenda said.

Doug added, "We just wanted people to have that hope and know that there's power that's bigger than us... that can make all things happen."

I'm going to be a grandfather?!?

Have you ever heard of Jimmy Fallon's Whisper Challenge? One person wears noise cancelling headphones and the other person says something, while the person with the headphones on needs to figure out what it is.


Alexa Goolsby and her husband decided to create their own version of the challenge. They had her parents wear the headphones. At first, Goolsby whispered, "I am pregnant," which her mom immediately understood, and mouthed, "Are you?"

That's when the real fun started. Goolsby's dad didn't get the first pregnancy announcement, so they played another round. Her husband said, "You are going to be a grandfather." Goolsby's dad repeated, "You are going to the beach? You're going to the beach and?"

He finally got it, saying, "I'm going to be a grandfather." Then his face changed as he said, "I'm going to be a grandfather?! I'm going to be a grandfather?" He immediately jumped up to give his daughter a hug.


Her dad wept when she told him the news

Jessica Vigansky's mom passed away 20 years ago, and she shared on Reddit that her father had been asking her for grandchildren ever since her wedding night. So he was understandably moved to tears when she announced her pregnancy.


Vigansky gave her father a round yellow box with a lid on it. He removed it to find a pacifier inside, saying, "This looks like something you used to suck on when you were little." But he had a surprise in store for him when he read the attached note. He squinted, and then said, "All right!" as his entire face lit up. Then he reread the note and held the pacifier to his chest, wiping away a tear. His reaction was so priceless that the video went viral, and has almost 20 million shares as of September 2017.

Unforgettable moments

Whether these expectant moms broke the news to their husbands with thoughtful birthday gifts, surprised their parents with a gift or game, or creatively let their kids know they would be getting a younger sibling, all of these pregnancy announcements were made with love and joy. They created unforgettable moments which set the stage for the joy yet to come.


