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If You're An Enneagram 9, Here Is The Self-Help Book You Should Read

Knowing your Enneagram, a personality indicator similar to the Myers-Briggs test, is a popular way to dive deeper into all the quirks and motivations that make you who you are. With numerous resources dedicated to maximizing your productivity and determining your compatibility based on your Enneagram, it's easy to get lost in all the recommendations. Enneagram Type Nines, also called Peacemakers, may be familiar with having their voice drowned out in a crowd of seemingly endless opinions. 


According to the Enneagram Institute, Type Nines are "accepting," "trusting," and "emotionally stable" and, at times, can be at risk of sticking to the status quo for the sake of keeping the peace. If you happen to be an Enneagram Nine in search of ways to find your voice, though, we've got you covered. These self-help book recommendations will help you tackle your goal to read more this year, and they'll inspire the confidence you need to make your voice heard in a world that's not so kind to those on the quieter side.

For the quiet Type Nine

Just because you're an introvert, doesn't mean you aren't meant to make a difference in the lives of those around you. Type Nines aren't intrinsically solitary, but many of the people who identify as easy-going "Peacemakers" also identify as introverts. Several of the most celebrated figures in history were actually introverts. According to author Susan Crain, individuals like Rosa Parks, Dr. Seuss, and Chopin had one thing in common: They were all introverts. 


In "Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking," Crain uses research and stories from real people to explain how the "Extrovert Ideal" isn't everything it has cracked up to be (per Amazon.com). According to the Enneagram Institute, Type Nines can sometimes be terrified of "assert[ing]" themselves "against others" due to their "basic fear of loss and separation." Learning to balance your strengths as an introvert and tap into your own power can make interacting with others a less intimidating experience, and Crain's book can help you do that.

For the Type Nine scared to rock the boat

Enneagram Type Nines are motivated by the desire "to have inner stability and 'peace of mind'," per the Enneagram Institute. Their key motivations include wanting "to create harmony, to avoid conflict and tension, to preserve things as they are," and "to resist whatever would upset or disturb them." As such, Type Nines can often find themselves saying "no" to things that would take them outside of their comfort zone or shake up the peace they've been maintaining. 


Shonda Rhimes, the creator of the hit shows "Grey's Anatomy" and "Scandal," and executive producer of "How to Get Away with Murder," was one of those people who found herself saying "no" quite often (per Amazon.com). So, for one year, she took on a challenge set forth by her sister: "Say yes to the unexpected invitations that come your way." In "Year of Yes: How to Dance it Out, Stand in the Sun and Be Your Own Person," Rhimes documents how her sister's challenge became a complete lifestyle change for her. She believes that saying "yes" more often has had a positive impact on her life, and Type Nines may feel the same way once they've read her book. 

