Royal Source Says Prince William Is Mourning Someone Who Is Alive And Well

Prince William and Prince Harry walking behind their mom's casket is a stark moment in history that many of us will never shake from our memories. Since that tragic day, the brothers were reportedly "inseparable" according to People. "Broadly speaking, they have always been very different characters but very close because of their situation — the fact that [their parents'] marriage was unhappy. They relied upon each other," royal expert Penny Junor also told the outlet about the boys in March.


But events in recent years have created tension between the once super-close siblings. And now, William and Harry's relationship is strained by all accounts. Consider that when the younger of the princes moved from London to California and essentially left the family, Express reports that senior royals were "hurt" by the decision — implying that William was among those who took "Megxit" personally.

Although some sources say Harry was "fed up" with being in his big brother's shadow all along, the lack of closeness between the two brothers today is evident (via Cafemom). Take the most recent encounter between the Duke of Cambridge and the Duke of Sussex. Their grandmother's Platinum Jubilee barely saw the siblings crossing paths, with Elle speculating they may not have interacted even when they were seen in public together.


Prince William may not be alone in mourning the loss of his relationship with his brother

With the princes' once-bonded relationship seemingly in the rear view mirror, Prince William may be mourning being close with his brother — much like a death. A source told The Mail+, "He [William] alternates between grieving for what he has lost and feeling really, really angry about what his brother has done." The source went on to say about the Duke of Cambridge, "He truly loves Harry and feels he has lost the only person, aside from his wife, who understood this strange life of theirs."


So is the feeling at all mutual? Indeed, Princess Diana's friend Paul Burrell told The Mirror that Prince Harry also seems to miss his brother and is not as happy about living in America with Meghan Markle and their two children — and having left the royal family — as we would be led to believe. That said, he did leave the Platinum Jubilee celebration early, with William reportedly feeling "let down" by the princes' lack of alone time and just how much their relationship has declined in recent years (via Express).

And so, it seems grief is the best way to describe what William is enduring in the aftermath of the reunion that wasn't.

Reconciliation may not be in the future for Princes William and Harry

One has to wonder if what Prince William and Prince Harry once had can ever be repaired. While no one knows for sure, a source told the The Mail+ it's possible, adding, "[But] William is also very principled and believes Harry has crossed a line." Remember, not only did the younger prince up and basically abandon all of his official royal responsibilities, he also took part in that explosive Oprah Winfrey interview that reportedly deeply upset the royal family.


In fact, at the time, an official statement from Buckingham Palace revealed the Queen and senior royals were "saddened" as a result of the many upsetting claims leveled at them by Harry and Meghan Markle, including alleging they were victims of racism (via NPR).

"He's thrown accusation after accusation, knowing that silence is the family's only option because they don't want to get dragged into a public slanging match," a source further said about Harry, adding about William, "He sees how upset his father has been by it all, and it hurts."

