What Do The Duggars Really Think About Wearing Makeup?

Ground rules are essential in keeping a family functioning and harmonious — especially when the family is as big as the Duggars. 

The Duggar family, headed by Michelle and Jim Bob, is best known for its TLC show "19 Kids and Counting," which documented the lifestyle of their ever-growing conservative Christian family (per IMDb). To keep their enormous brood in check while homeschooling and following their strict Independent Baptist religion, the Duggars put several strict rules in place.


For example, one-on-one dating is a no-go for the Duggar kids. Michelle wrote in a blog post that chaperones accompany each child when they go on a date, prohibiting them from getting too intimate (even high-fives should be discussed ahead of time). Unsurprisingly, the household also has a strict abstinence rule before marriage (per The U.S. Sun).

And, besides relationship rules, Duggar daughters Jessa and Jill told E! News that alcohol is completely off-limits.

But, when it comes to makeup, are the women allowed to wear it — or is it viewed as sinful in the Duggar family?

The Duggars wear makeup religiously

There are many things the Duggar daughters are barred from doing, but wearing makeup doesn't appear to be one of them. 

Bustle speculated that makeup is permitted because the Duggars' religious beliefs are patriarchal. Women are supposed to be pleasing to men without making themselves too "tempting." Makeup can be a subtle, nonsexual way to play up the eyes or lips to appear more feminine and beautiful.


In the book "Growing Up Duggar," written by eldest daughters Jill, Jinger, Jessa, and Jana, they say that makeup "honors the Lord" by emphasizing the physical features God gave them (via In Touch Weekly). As seen by Jana's makeup routine, they tend to gravitate toward eyeliner-heavy looks with a bit of shadow and mascara.

As the Duggar daughters have gotten older and started having children of their own, they've continued to make time for makeup. Joy-Anna Duggar Forsyth even applied foundation in her hospital bed just before giving birth to daughter Evelyn Mae Forsyth.

They follow strict rules for hair and clothing

Makeup may be one of the only ways the Duggar daughters are permitted to express their personal styles. When it comes to other physical traits, there are plenty of rules to follow.

While some may experiment with different hairstyles and cuts, the Duggar women almost exclusively sport long hair. "Our hairstyle is our choice, and we choose longer hair based on our understanding of 1 Corinthians 11:14-15," they wrote in "Growing Up Duggar" (via In Touch Weekly).


The Duggars must also follow a dress code that's strictly gendered. Michelle Duggar decided to dress her brood, particularly her daughters, in modest clothing that doesn't expose their legs. 

As part of their religious beliefs, the girls grew up wearing long skirts and dresses, though the eldest have broken tradition by embracing pants. The girls also mentioned in their book that they avoid low-cut and bare-shouldered tops and wear undershirts to cover skin that may be exposed (via Cosmopolitan).

With so many guidelines to follow, it's no wonder the Duggars rely on makeup when they want to get creative with their looks.

