Biden's Secret Arrangement Has Twitter Saying He Made A 'Deal With The Devil'

President Joe Biden is by no means a novice when it comes to criticism via social media, especially on platforms like Twitter. Biden, who admittedly says he is "a gaffe machine" (via Newsweek), has had a history of stumbling through speeches. Shortly after delivering a speech to Congress in late April, where he had moments of stuttering while discussing the war between Russia and Ukraine, Twitter users didn't shy away from making fun of the President over his blunders. 


In June, users on the social media platform took shots at President Biden again, after he was caught on video falling down Air Force One's stairs. Now, after an emotional week where the Supreme Court made the decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, President Biden is in hot water once again following a shocking announcement in regards to a deal he's made and his recent actions have some Twitter users seeing red.

Twitter is angry at President Biden for considering an anti-abortion judge

On Wednesday night, the Courier Journal broke the story that President Joe Biden is in talks to propose prospective nominee Chad Meredith, a conservative Republican lawyer, to fulfill a federal judgeship to serve in Eastern Kentucky. Democrats as well as other Americans alike aren't holding back on their thoughts regarding this secret decision that USA Today reports was done in collaboration with President Biden and Republican Senator Minority Leader Mitch McConnell.


Kentucky Democratic politician, Charles Booker, tweeted his disappointment in regards to the news: "The President is making a deal with the devil and once again, the people of Kentucky are crushed in the process. At a time when we are fighting to protect human rights, this is a complete slap in the face."

USA Today reported that Rep. John Yarmuth, a Democrat representing Louisville, said Biden's potential nomination for a federal vacancy is a "huge mistake." In addition to Booker and Yarmuth's criticism, Twitter users also aren't holding back their thoughts on the reveal of Biden's alleged decision as well. One user tweeted, "There is absolutely no reason whatsoever for Joe Biden to be negotiating with Mitch McConnell to put the federalist Society anti-abortion judges on the federal bench. It's bad politics. It's dumb."


When CNN asked the White House to comment on the matter, an official said, "As a matter of practice, we don't comment on executive or judicial vacancies."

