Expert Explains What Happens To Your Skin If You Regularly Sleep With Makeup On – Exclusive

Skincare can be a trial and error for many of us. Wouldn't it be perfect if we knew exactly what to do to have glowy skin 365 days a year? While some amateur mistakes could be using the wrong products for your skin type or using expired ones one thing most of us know that we should never ever do is sleep with our makeup on.


If you've experienced skin inflammation, dozing off with makeup could be the culprit. Dermatologist Dennis Gross told Bustle, "When makeup becomes impacted in pores, it makes them appear larger. Once your collagen levels decline, the pore won't snap back as easily once it has been enlarged." Dr. Gross added that clogged pores and oil glands could cause inflammation.

Previously, we spoke with Dr. Liia Ramachandra about what to do if we accidentally sleep with makeup. Dr. Ramachandra told The List, "Make sure that as soon as you wake up, you clean your face properly." She added that it's essential to give your skin extra love in the AM for the damage caused for leaving your makeup on, which could result in clogged pores and breakouts. While we know we shouldn't sleep with makeup on, sometimes we get lazy and skip it since we'll be washing our faces eventually. However, if you're guilty of sleeping with your makeup on regularly, you might have long-term severe skin issues.


Sleeping with your makeup on can cause premature aging

Dr. Liia Ramachandra, the CEO and Founder of skincare brand EpiLynx, is a healthcare expert. Previously, she has worked with world-renowned companies like Takeda Pharmaceuticals Inc, Pfizer, and Astellas.


If you thought breakouts and stubborn makeup were the only drawbacks to sleeping with a full face of makeup on, you might be wrong. Dr. Ramachandra told The List, "To start with, leaving your makeup on throughout the night exposes you to free radicals in the air. These free radicals break down the collagen on your skin, which then can lead to fine lines." Using sunscreen to prevent collagen breakdown and retinol to stimulate more collagen production might be useless with one bad habit.

Dr. Ramachandra told us, "Overall, your face will look older and drier, and this may cause premature aging and wrinkles." She added that collagen degradation and DNA mutations are likely the most worrisome side effects, especially if maintaining youthful skin is your goal. Then there's pollution. "This combination of free radicals and environmental stress has been shown to cause premature aging of skin," board-certified dermatologist Rachel Nazarian told Refinery29.


One night of sleeping in your makeup might not cause fine lines, but over time, it will negatively affect your skin. However, one night of laziness might pop up as an annoying pimple. That's why cleaning and moisturizing your skin after wearing makeup is essential.

Skin issues caused by sleeping with your makeup on

The long-term disadvantages of sleeping with your makeup on are no bueno, as this little lousy habit can accelerate aging over time. According to Dr. Liia Ramachandra, you can notice immediate changes on your skin if you don't clean all the makeup off.


Dr. Ramachandra told The List, "Wearing makeup to sleep can clog your pores. This will make them appear bigger, and will also draw bacteria into your skin. This may cause acne to form." We can wave goodbye to clear skin with this bad skincare habit. And it's not just the skin that suffers when we get a bit lazy.

"Also, not removing eye makeup is very bad for you. Mascara can clog the follicles in your eyes and cause bacteria to get in your eyes. This can lead to serious irritation and infection of the eyes and may even cause your eyelashes to fall off," she added. Extra zits and no lashes, no thank you. Dr. Ramachandra said sleep is the body's time to repair itself from the day's stress, so your skin must be clean while sleeping.


Sensitive skin folks might need to be extra diligent. Dermatologist Annie Chui told Good Housekeeping, "Makeup often contains irritants like dyes and perfumes that, when left on the skin for long periods of time, can cause inflammation." According to Dr. Chui, you're more likely to develop a rash if your skin is sensitive. At least, use a makeup wipe before bed.

