Trista Orchard

Photo of Trista Orchard
Vancouver, Canada
Simon Fraser University, Mount Royal University, ICAL TEFL
Culture, Lifestyle, Health & Wellness
  • Trista Orchard is a freelance journalist and a writer for The List.
  • In addition, she has worked as an Editor Assistant at the Calgary Herald Newspaper, and Web Content Producer at Avenue Magazine. Her Avenue feature piece, "Get Slammed," was nominated for The Alberta Magazine Awards, and she was awarded the Harvard Broadcasting X92.9 Journalism Scholarship.
  • She has published several freelance articles for print and online publications such as: ION Magazine, Discorder, Beatroute, Georgia Straight, BAD IDEA Magazine, Swerve, FFWD Magazine, and the Calgary Journal.


Trista Orchard is a weaver of prose. She's a journalist and creative writer with over eight years of experience in the industry working as a freelance journalist, copyeditor, marketing & communications ace, digital content specialist, copywriter, blogger, and overall word-hustler. She is currently writing her first novel and compiling a poetry collection.


Trista has a Communications degree, majoring in journalism from Mount Royal University and a Creative Writing Certificate from Simon Fraser University. She also holds a TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) certificate, which she used to teach English in South Korea for two years.

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Stories By Trista Orchard