Why The Queen Was Spotted With Her Signature Handbag Even Days Before Her Death

No matter the social event, Queen Elizabeth was rarely seen without a handbag. Now, the reason why she always carried a bag with her has been revealed. As told to People by Gerald Bodmer, CEO of Launer, the Queen was spotted with many Launer handbags over the course of her lifetime. The refined British brand became one of her go-to's and received a Royal Warrant in 1968, with Bodmer joining the company in 1981. During this time the Queen commissioned several handbags from Launer, with her favorites being the Royale and the Traviata (via Vogue).


Bodmer shared fond memories of Her Majesty, stating, "I'm amazed how she carried on carrying her bag with a walking stick. She once said to me, 'I don't feel dressed without a handbag'." He also confirmed that the Queen was never wasteful with her Launer bags, sharing that she only ever added to her collection and didn't replace older models. Tellingly, in her final public appearance, which took place just two days before her death, the Queen had a black glossy Launer handbag on her arm as she shook hands with newly-appointed Prime Minister Liz Truss.

Though the bags Her Majesty favored are able to be purchased by the general public, a few customizations were made to her choices, including extra pockets, a built-in coin purse, and longer handles. There has been much speculation made about what the Queen kept inside her handbag, but it's one mystery that will remain largely unsolved. 


