The Embarrassing Move Boris Johnson Pulled At The Queen's Funeral

During her reign, 15 different prime ministers worked with Queen Elizabeth II, with seven of them attending her funeral on Monday morning (via iNews). The outlet explained that per protocol, the ministers were to enter the church in the order in which they served, ending with the most recent, Prime Minister Liz Truss.


In a video posted by The Royal Family Channel, the prime ministers are shown arriving at the funeral.

— Calabiyow! (@DDay74342287) September 19, 2022

Boris Johnson, who served from 2019 to 2022, took the lead. However, since he served right before Truss, he should have been one of the last in line. Officials manning the door pulled Johnson and his wife, Carrie Johnson, to the side, making them wait. One Twitter user was quick to jump on Johnson's error, saying, "It would be a real shame if people kept retweeting this humiliating video of Boris Johnson's failed queue jumping attempt."


Johnson resigned as prime minister in July 2022 after 50 members of the government quit, reported The Washington Post, noting the politicians said, "they no longer had faith in his leadership after a series of scandals." He also lost his popularity with the public (per Reuters). As such, many were happy to see him flounder at Queen Elizabeth II's funeral when he was asked to wait. "The look on his face, still thinks he's important," noted one person on Twitter. "Brilliant," commented another. "A friend of mine did exactly the same to Thatcher at a state banquet. Protocol is protocol."

