What A Hairstylist Says You Should Do If You Don't Want To Chat During Your Appointment – Exclusive

We all have a social battery, and others are longer-lasting than others. What determines how long you can go without a recharge depends on many factors, but one thing is for sure: we all experience social burn-out occasionally (per Medical News Today). However, some engagements, like hair appointments, don't stop for your social battery (especially if you desperately need a root touch-up).


For some, the hair salon is the perfect place for one-on-one conversations with your stylist about life's daily happenings. They treat their hairstylist almost like a therapist or best friend, chatting about the neighborhood gossip or asking for advice on how to break up with someone. And others just want to sit in that salon chair in silence, while reading a book or scrolling on their phone, so they can recharge in peace. If you often find yourself in the latter category, don't fret — we spoke to hairstylist Sara DesGeorges about what exactly you should do if you don't want to chat during your appointment.

Ironically, communication is key

Many hairstylists are very understanding and can often tell by social cues that a client doesn't want to talk (via Today). Whether the customer has their nose in a book or is silently scrolling their favorite social media platform, many stylists are able to pick up on those little unspoken signals — and aren't at all offended. 


Sara DesGeorges, stylist at Twig Hair Salon in Boulder, Colorado, gave us advice on what you should do if you find yourself in this situation. "If you come to your appointment and are just wanting to chill or read a book or just be on your phone and not talk, just ask your stylist if it's okay to do your own thing," she said. "I can guarantee you that your stylist will be totally understanding."

In fact, not wanting to talk at the salon is so common, a hair salon in Wales announced a "quiet chair" in 2015 for customers who don't feel like chatting (per Allure). It's not a physical chair that clients sit in, but rather the option for customers to choose a convo-free appointment. This trend has risen greatly in popularity, so much so that several other salons around the states, from Minneapolis to Florida, are participating. "It's your appointment," DesGeorges said, "you are free to do what you need in order to make it the best experience for yourself."


