The Most Important Place To Use Hair Oil And You're Probably Missing It

In a world of countless celebrity beauty brands and social media filters, self-care can get overwhelming. In 2021, the beauty industry made $511 billion in revenue, per Common Thread. That's approximately $20 billion more than the tech industry, one of the largest sectors of the global economy. Hair care, specifically, has been around for centuries, with natural products like castor oil and argan oil still on the market today, per Bustle. The benefits of using hair oil are numerous, promising everything from curl rejuvenation to glossy shine. According to hairstylist Sophia Emmanuel via Allure, "Rather than choosing an oil for your hair type, you should consider what you need the oil to do for your hair." Coconut oil, for instance, has been proven to improve dandruff and protect from heat damage, per Verywell Health. Alternatively, products containing argan oil are thought to help with hair loss (via Healthline).

Whatever the type of oil you're using, the most important thing is to know how to apply it. There's one place, in particular, that oil can be the most beneficial whether you're using the hair care brand created by the Kardashian's stylist or coconut oil from the grocery store. 

Hair oil can improve circulation in your scalp

Scalp massages as they relate to hair health are not a new concept, but instead a routine passed down through many generations around the world. Specifically, Healthline credits this beauty practice to Ayurvedic medicine. According to specialist Dr. Geetika Mittal Gupta via Vogue, "A scalp massage helps boost blood circulation, which can lead to hair growth and also help you relax." Especially if you're guilty of daily washing, oiling can add important vitamins back into your hair, per Healthline. Dr. Gupta recommends starting with a clean scalp, otherwise the oil won't properly absorb. Next, it's helpful to heat the product over hot water, per StyleCraze. In a pinch, a pop in the microwave will also do the trick. Warm oil penetrates more deeply into your scalp and roots, leading to better results.

Massage the heated oil into your head in gentle, circular motions. As explained by Dr. Gupta, rubbing vigorously has the potential to damage your hair (via Vogue). To avoid breakage, use just your fingertips. This process can take up to 15 minutes — make sure not to neglect any sections of the scalp, per StyleCraze. At the end of the massage, you'll be left with plenty of oil residue on your hands. Healthline recommends running it through the rest of your hair, moisturizing the ends as well as the roots. Once finished, complete the process by covering your newly-nourished hair and waiting a night before shampooing and rinsing. However, Vogue and StyleCraze say you can wash just one to two hours after your scalp massage. 

Avoid applying too much oil

Although oil massages can be incredibly beneficial, it's important to not go overboard. Yeka warns that excess oil will require more shampoo, ultimately removing all the great vitamins that you added in the first place. As explained by Dr. Geetika Mittal Gupta via Vogue, take note of your hair's length and thickness before deciding how much oil to apply. In general, the specialist recommends using up to three palmfuls on your scalp and roots and approximately two palmfuls throughout your strands.

As explained by certified dermatologist Mona Gohara via Byrdie, how often you oil your scalp depends on well, you. "There is no rule here," reassures Gohara. "Some may need to hydrate once a week while others may need to every day." According to the dermatologist, her patients with conditions like psoriasis can sometimes benefit from medicated oil treatments on a nightly basis. However, frequency should also depend on how often you wash your hair.