What The New Movie Ticket To Paradise Can Teach Women About Following Their Intuition

Warning: There are spoilers ahead!

The tropes in romantic comedies can sometimes be considered anti-feminist. Often, the storylines are rooted in misogyny. The Hollywood Insider shares how romantic comedies of the past are heavily sexist and failed to include women writers in the process, making them difficult to watch, especially if you consider yourself a feminist.

As "Ticket to Paradise," the latest vehicle starring Julia Roberts and George Clooney, hits theaters, some may judge the film before seeing it. Of course, romance is central to the storyline, but the characteristics of the women in the movie, especially Roberts' Georgia Cotton, are strong and independent, and the men involved view them as equals.

One aspect of the storyline that could have feminists upset is how Lily Cotton (Kaitlyn Dever), the daughter of Georgia and David (Clooney), chooses to abandon a career in law for a man she meets on vacation. While this may seem like an outdated trope, I believe there may be more to be learned from this plot point.

There's something inspiring about seeing a woman trusting her gut on screen

There is no denying that romantic comedies in the early 2000s left a bad taste in the mouths of feminists. The storylines were soaked in misogyny and had feminists, like myself, concerned about giving them time and money.

Sure, "Ticket to Paradise" has a storyline where Lily (Kaitlyn Dever) chooses to step away from her life in the United States, where she has a comfortable legal job awaiting her, for a man she meets on vacation in Bali. This may seem completely anti-feminist, but I believe there is a way to view this as an empowering moment for Lily.

Her parents are firmly against her marriage and moving to Bali. However, throughout the film, you can see how Lily is passionate about being on the island. She is genuinely happy, and at one point she turns to her father (George Clooney) and says "I belong here."

Lily chooses to follow her intuition, even if that means taking a big leap of faith. She's leaving behind the comforts of home for a life she feels drawn to, which she knows can be a major risk. However, she's confident in her own intuition and leans in fully, while those closest to her are telling her not to. Instead of viewing this storyline as a woman abandoning a career for a man, we should look at it as a reason for girls everywhere to trust their gut, even if there are risks involved.