How The October 25 Partial Solar Eclipse Will Affect Air Signs

Buckle up members of the zodiac, because there is a partial solar eclipse paired with a new moon on October 25 (via Refinery29). The eclipse comes in the sign of Scorpio and kicks off another eclipse season that is sure to bring tons of new energy. This marks the third eclipse of 2022, with another to come in November, per Nylon. The outlet reveals that this particular eclipse will bring themes of moving on and dealing with the past, as now will be an ideal time to work through any issues that have been plaguing you, get some closure, and finally begin to move past your past.


"The eclipse is like steroids for the new moon," an astrologer named Noush tells My Imperfect Life. "Because it falls in the sign of Scorpio, the energy of deep and provoking change is an undercurrent which is picking up momentum and finally dismantling so that we can recognize our emotional strength and resilience to face life's challenges," she added.

Meanwhile, this will be a weight off of the shoulders of air signs Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius, who are known as "the most forgiving members of the zodiac," per Cosmopolitan. They have the ability to understand mistakes and weaknesses like not many others can, which allows them to decide if a person is worthy of forgiveness or ready to be cut from their life.


So, what can air signs look forward to during the solar eclipse?

Gemini should focus on routines during the eclipse

If you're a Gemini (born May 21 to June 20), the partial solar eclipse on October 25 happens to fall in your sixth house of work and organization, per My Imperfect Life. This means it's time for you to take stock of everything that's working in your life, and figure out how to improve what's not working. This could look like starting a new workout routine, making more time for self-care, cultivating a new morning ritual to help you start your day on the right foot, or finding a new hobby to help you blow off some steam. "During this new cycle, Gemini should focus on cultivating better habits and a more sustainable routine," astrologer Liz Simmons tells the outlet. "There might be some unexpected yet fated health-related opportunities or ailments that pop up during the next six months."


Meanwhile, StyleCaster suggests setting up some boundaries in your daily life. This eclipse will bring you energy of productivity, so sitting down and planning out how to get your things in order at work, in your family life and love life, as well as your health and happiness will be ultra beneficial to Gemini during this time.

Allure also notes that Gemini may want to stay in during the eclipse and new moon, as they can often get emotional and tense. Instead, take some me time and relax.

Libra may feel off balance during the eclipse

Those born under the sign of Libra (September 23 to October 22), are going to be challenged when it comes to their sense of security during the solar eclipse on October 25. Coming off of Libra season, the fair and balanced air sign may see their lives thrown out of the balance that they so adore. You may find that you'll be having issues in areas in your life such as love, self-confidence, or finances (via StyleCaster). Things could feel like they've been spiraling out of control for the Libra, which they hate. So, during the eclipse, it's the time to sit down and figure out how to get that balance back into your life. Maybe you need to plan a daily or weekly reset to help you along the way, or figure out a budget to get your finances back on track.


While things feel a bit out of whack right now, My Imperfect Life notes that Libra's are resilient and that the sign will be able to successfully dodge whatever comes their way in order to simplify and return to the harmony they love.

Allure adds that Libra — a sign that hates conflict — may also want to cast aside any plans made during the eclipse in favor of spending time at home with a close friend, family member, partner, or pet to keep themselves out of any of the chaos that may ensure around them otherwise.

Aquarius should focus on their career during the solar eclipse

If your zodiac sign is Aquarius (born between January 20 and February 18), the solar eclipse on October 25 could prove to be an important time in your career. The solar event falls in the air sign's tenth house of authority, and could play to your anxiety about not being in control of your destiny, per StyleCaster. The eclipse may have you feeling like you're not living up to your full potential or doing what you've truly been called to do in this world. Think long and hard about your goals and aspirations and figure out if they still resonate with the person you are and the person you want to be. If not, it may be time to make some changes, which could include switching job titles, companies, or career paths altogether (via My Imperfect Life).


AstroStyle adds that Aquarius shouldn't settle for anything less than exactly what they want and deserve during the solar eclipse. The air sign should know their worth and be proud to flaunt it. Tackle the big project at work or volunteer to show off your skills in some other way. Working your way up isn't a bad thing, but being held down isn't for you. Show what you can do and be ready to impress.

It appears that the air signs will be busy during the solar eclipse, but that good things are coming their way in the future.

