What You Need To Know About CDC Director Rachelle Walensky's COVID-19 Diagnosis

While the world seems to be slipping back into a pre-pandemic mode, COVID-19 has not gone away. With vaccines readily available and multiple boosters approved by the FDA, we are much better off than when the disease was first discovered. 


Depending on your age and pre-existing health conditions, the coronavirus can affect your body differently. Even those who have had COVID-19 can benefit from vaccinations, boosters, and common sense practices to reduce the risks of getting sick, like consistent handwashing. Although it is quite possible to get COVID-19 after getting vaccinations, these "breakthrough" cases tend to be mild and prevent many people from contracting serious symptoms, according to the American Medical Association.

The CDC has advised the American public on steps to take while existing alongside the coronavirus. Now, its leader has been diagnosed with COVID-19. CDC Director Rachelle Walensky was diagnosed with the disease on Oct. 21, 2022, according to CNN, proving that breakthrough cases are not as rare as you may think.


CDC Director Dr. Walensky is experiencing mild COVID-19 symptoms

The CDC announced that its director, Dr. Rachelle Walensky, tested positive for COVID-19 on Oct. 21, 2022. According to a statement from the organization, she is experiencing mild symptoms and is still able to participate in meetings virtually. Following CDC protocols, close contacts and other CDC senior officials have been notified about possible exposure, according to the organization. Meanwhile, its director will be working remotely during her isolation period.


The news of Dr. Walensky's health comes months after President Joe Biden's COVID-19 diagnosis in July. The president experienced "very mild" symptoms, according to the White House. The administration attributed the president's good health to his updated vaccinations.

The CDC has highlighted Dr. Walensky's vaccine status as well. The CDC director tweeted about respiratory illnesses in general on Oct. 21, pushing for both COVID-19 and flu vaccinations. Though she did not directly acknowledge her COVID-19 diagnosis, she recommended preventative measures.

"Get an updated COVID-19 vaccine & get your annual flu vaccine, Stay home if you are sick, Practice good hand hygiene," the CDC director wrote alongside illustrative emojis.


Here's hoping she has a speedy recovery.

