Why Everything Your Mom Told You About Catching A Cold Is Wrong

Growing up, you likely heard a ton of old wives' tales that our parents ingrained in us to be true. As babies, our moms insisted that shoes would help us walk (untrue), that we had to wait an hour after eating before getting in a pool (also not true), and that drinking coffee would cause us not to grow (yes, this one is also false). But as we get older and possibly even start to raise kids of our own, many of these things have not held up over time. We have learned that no matter how many carrots we eat, our eyesight will not improve and that forgoing our nightly chocolate bar will not clear up our skin.

When it comes to getting sick though, many things our parents told us as young kids have stuck with us well into adulthood. If your mom ever told you to "starve a fever" or that going outside with wet hair will get you sick, you may want to rethink what you've been told. The Daily Mail spoke with experts to decipher what is actually true when it comes to catching a cold and what is simply an old wives' tale.

How to truly avoid getting sick this cold season

Cold season is often said to be during the winter months, but per Very Well Health, you can catch a cold any time of the year. While a cold is usually nothing to worry about, it can disrupt your daily life. As kids, our moms tried to help us avoid the dreaded stuffy nose by ensuring we followed rules that now seem silly. If your mom insisted you couldn't go outside after washing your hair, you're not alone. We heard this so often we assumed it was true, but it is anything but (via Daily Mail). Wet hair does not make you more prone to illness. In fact, being outside makes you less likely to catch a cold.

If your mom poured you huge glasses of orange juice at the first sign of the sniffles, you may find yourself reaching for foods and drinks with Vitamin C every time you feel a cold looming. While there is some evidence that Vitamin C can help reduce the length of colds, the research is slim and there is no evidence to support the fact that orange juice can prevent the cold altogether. Hot tea and chicken noodle soup won't do much either, although they can help alleviate symptoms. If you want to ensure you don't catch a cold this winter, you may want to consider techniques like essential oils. Overall, the CDC recommends consistent hand washing, disinfecting commonly touched areas, and avoiding others who are feeling ill.