Is The Viral $10 Store In New York That Sells Designer Items For Cheap Worth A Visit?

The thrill of New York City makes many people gravitate towards it. The lively city draws tens of millions of tourists there each year. It's known for its many exciting job opportunities, bustling nightlife, and diverse locales. And if you're a lover of fashion, NYC is the place to be to stay on top of what's in style and what isn't.


If there's one word to describe New York City, we're not sure "cheap" would be it. But that's exactly how many users on TikTok are describing a store located in the heart of the Big Apple. It's being called the "viral $10 store". People love it because it's not only cheap, but it sells designer items. Yes, you read that right. We're talking Jimmy Choo, Gucci, Prada, and all the rest. Usually, if you saw someone selling designer items at such a low price, your scam senses would tingle. Since this store is completely taking over social media right now, it's safe to say that what's happening within its doors is legit. But is it really worth a visit, or would you be better off taking your money to chain thrift stores instead?


You can find designer items for cheap

To answer the biggest question on your mind: Yes, the $10 store does actually exist, and yes, everything inside it is priced at $10. That alone warrants it to be viral-worthy in our book, especially considering it's opened its doors in a city known for some pretty out-there prices. Still, even $10 is too much if the items inside the store are knockoff designer brands.


Thankfully, this isn't the case with the viral $10 store. The store does live up to all the hype it's received. You can find amazing deals in this store, and plenty of its products are from famed designers. Inside the store, you'll find pieces from designers that didn't hit the shelves of luxury stores because they are sample pieces. Therefore, they are able to be priced at just $10. The trick is finding these pieces. Not everything on the racks is from high-end designers. You'll have to do some digging to find hidden gems.

Other awesome finds at the viral $10 store

What makes thrifting so fun is that you can pick up various brand-name items at a fraction of the price. It can be disappointing when you visit a thrift store and find most of the stuff is still thirty or so bucks. Perhaps it's even more of a letdown when everything in the store looks like it came from the beginning of the previous century. 


This is why the viral $10 store is so promising. With everything set at one low price, you know you can go in and find something unique without emptying your wallet. Besides designer finds on a budget, you can buy all fashionable pieces at the viral $10 store. Activewear, sweaters, and even stylish dresses are all on the racks. You can even pick up accessories like belts and eyewear to complete your look.

Ready to save money but not sacrifice quality? The $10 store is located on 6th Avenue in NYC. Be sure to check out our guide on the clothing brands to look for while thrifting before you go so you know exactly what to look for.

