No Dye Necessary: How Rocking Your Gray Hair Can Be Empowering

Gray hair just isn't what it used to be, and that's evident through the number of women who are willingly choosing to stop dyeing their natural grays. Gray has become a symbol of elegance in many circles. In fact, not only are there new trendy blends to help you transition to gray hair faster, like getting herringbone highlights, but there are also dyes on the market to intentionally color your hair gray.


Besides being trendy, there are many hidden reasons to consider going gray. Of course, the obvious is the cost in both time and money. Having to run to the salon every few weeks to cover the new grays can be simply exhausting. In addition, putting chemicals on your hair so regularly can not only damage the hair, but it introduces unnecessary chemicals onto your skin which can be absorbed into the body. However, one of the biggest reasons is simply that your natural gray hair is beautiful.

Your true self gray-haired self is stunning

In today's world of surgically altered lips, boobs, and butts, not to mention a never-ending stream of photo filters, much of society has become accustomed to not seeing the beauty of real people. When you throw in the consumerism of diet culture, the beauty industry, and even certain medical professions, it's easy to see how women have been conditioned to always try to attain the unattainable while picking themselves apart. That's not only truly sad and depressing, it's also wholly unnecessary. 


There is something uniquely empowering about letting your true self shine. It tells the world that you are not only valuable and worthy exactly as you are, but you're beautiful. Not everyone can just grow silver sparkles out of their scalp. 

"It feels so liberating — it's one thing I don't have to think twice about," says Tennille Murphy, 42, who began going gray at 23 (via Health). "It almost feels like a superpower! My hair's not in control of me. I like seeing myself in the mirror and celebrating a simpler, more natural me."

Going against the grain is a symbol of power

There's no doubt that we live in an ageist society. Even as young women in their 20s and 30s go gray, in many patriarchal circles, gray hair is sometimes seen as a sign of aging. Of course, it's a ridiculous notion because people of any age can have gray hair, but also because if we are alive, we are aging. 


There is no need to pull out all the stops at trying to appear 20 when you're in your 40s and 50s. Embracing who you are and have become in your life is a sign of confidence and self-acceptance. It's not only a healthy mindset, but it's attractive. Many women are now realizing what a power move it is to go gray.

"I am loving the change, the colour, and all the silver — it reminds me of the warrior woman I am,"  Lisa Sparrow, 57, tells The Guardian. "It is by far, the most empowering and wonderful thing I have ever done for myself."

