The Best Days Of The Week To Go On A First Date If You're Easing Back Into The Game

There's a reason dating is usually described as being strapped into a rollercoaster ride. Looking for love takes your feelings all over the place. The journey begins with your feet pulling further and further away from the ground as you go up. In dating terms, this is the part where you and your crush are "talking" and you probably feel yourself starting to like this other person. Maybe if you met them using an online dating app, you've noticed your text compatibility is off the charts. You're having a great time getting to know them. You get butterflies even thinking about this person, and every message or phone call from them makes you smile.


But where there are ups, there are downs. Not every relationship is made to last, and this is all too real when you're playing the dating game. Your previous love might have turned out to be a loser, or maybe the two of you just drifted apart. It can happen to anyone, but that doesn't make it any less painful. If you're easing back into the game after being hurt, we know you want to take it slow and not spend too much time focusing on looking for love. To help you out, these are the best days for going on your next first date.

Most weekdays allow you to make this handy excuse

It may be scary, but you shouldn't let past hurts hold you back from finding the love of your life. Even if you're hesitant about heading back into the dating game after getting burnt, there are tricks you can use that will make it less intimidating. No, it isn't calling in Terry Crews as a body double if the date starts going south (although that would be pretty amazing if it could happen). One of the best tricks is knowing which days you should plan on having that all-too-important first date.


If you find yourself stuck on a first date with someone who is, let's just say, a less than ideal match, you need an excuse to get out of there fast. You shouldn't be rude to them, especially if it's just a lack of interest on your part for wanting to leave the date. The perfect excuse is one that isn't a bald-faced lie, so you don't feel like a jerk for wanting to dip out of there. Just say you need to get up early for work in the morning. There's no arguing with that. That's why weekdays make the perfect day for dating someone new.

The best spot for a first date

The ideal first date is one where you walk away feeling excited for your next date with your crush. Okay, maybe you're skipping away! But you won't feel like this if the two of you choose a date spot that doesn't allow you to get to know the other better. In order to see if there's any real connection happening between the two of you, your first date spot should be low-pressure and conducive to conversation. Dinner and a movie is the classic first date staple, but not many people can say they've walked out of a movie and know their date any better. Both of your eyes will be glued to the screen, and no one's trying to have a conversation when they're stuffing food into their mouth.


Instead of heading out to watch a movie and grabbing something to eat, try picking a place that's easy to talk in. One of the best places to go on a first date is a café. It's the perfect causal spot for you to talk and connect. Plus, if things turn dull, you can leave whenever you're ready.

