Ultherapy: The Non-Invasive Facelift Alternative That Can Tighten Your Skin Without Surgery

Looking younger is always on trend, but getting that young, fresh look as you age isn't easy. There are many ways to help you age more gracefully, like staying out of the sun, getting your hair cut a certain way, or even learning some tried-and-true makeup tricks. However, if you are unhappy with your face, whether it be because of wrinkles, sun spots, age spots, or other reasons, you may be tempted to go under the knife.

A facelift is a popular treatment used to help sagging skin and smooth out the face. And while it is popular for a reason, it is also risky. A facelift is a legitimate surgery, which is scary in itself. Plus, it can lead to unwanted scarring, hair loss, and even injuries to the nerves. If you want that pulled back, youthful look but don't want to go under the knife, you may want to consider Ultherapy.

What is Ultherapy?

Aging is a natural part of life, but if you look in the mirror and are not satisfied with what you see, there are safe and effective options for you. Ultherapy is a popular method that many people use to tighten their face and neck, while reversing signs of aging. According to Dr. Anthony Buglino, a plastic and reconstructive surgeon, Ultherapy's goal is to promote collagen and elastin production with the use of ultrasound. This leaves your skin looking smoother, tighter, and younger.

Rebecca Fitzgerald, MD, a cosmetic dermatologist in Beverly Hills, recommends Ultherapy to her patients who want to "lift and tighten" not just the skin on their face, but their chin and neck as well. And while the procedure does not require patients to have anesthesia or to be cut open with a knife, it should still be done by a licensed, experienced professional. Once you find the right doctor to perform Ultherapy, here's what you can expect from the procedure.

What to expect from Ultherapy

Unlike other forms of cosmetic surgery where you may be asked to fast or refrain from activity prior to the procedure, Ultherapy is quite simple. Dr. Anthony Buglino advises patients to simply come with a bare face, otherwise, they can eat, drink, and live their lives as they would any other day. Once you enter the treatment room, the process begins with a quick cleaning of the face followed by an application of ultrasound gel. If you have ever had an ultrasound, either for a baby or any other reason, you are likely familiar with this gel and with the entire ultrasound process. Ultherapy follows the same method as any other ultrasound, scanning the face and neck with the device. However, this time, heat will be emitted through the machine to help produce the collagen and elastin needed to tighten the skin.

Most patients feel little to no pain or discomfort during Ultherapy, but for those who may be more sensitive to it, an oral pain medication can be given to help ease any unpleasant feelings you may have. After about 30 to 90 minutes, you will be good to go and resume your normal activities. Some doctors do recommend you have someone else drive you home, though. True results take a few months to show as the collagen needs time to build up, but they should remain for about two years.