Why Days Of Our Lives' Megan Is So Obsessed With Bo

Megan Hathaway is a "Days of Our Lives" character that both longtime viewers and newer fans have seen cause a lot of trouble for some of the soap opera's most beloved characters. Megan — played by Miranda Wilson — first came to Salem in 1984 with her adoptive father, Maxwell Hathaway. She was portrayed as a spoiled rich girl who was used to getting her own way. Fans later learned that she was the daughter of the sudser's most iconic and devious villain, Stefano DiMera (Joseph Mascolo). Of course, Megan was like many others on the DiMera family tree, and she found herself getting tangled up in drama.


In her younger years, Megan fell in love with Bo Brady (Peter Reckell). However, Megan's heart was completely broken when Bo ultimately chose to be with the love of his life, Hope Williams (Kristian Alfonso). Megan was so full of rage and jealousy that she even plotted to murder Hope. However, her plan backfired when she herself was killed by Larry Welch after overhearing him relay some sensitive information over the phone. Larry ended Megan's life and then placed her body in a hot tub at a local Salem health club. Of course, Hope was the main suspect in Megan's death.

However, Megan's story and her infatuation with Bo was far from over.

Megan's love for Bo never died

During her time in Salem, Megan Hathaway was completely infatuated with Bo Brady. She fell him love with the rebellious bad boy while she was in high school, and the two sparked a romance. However, Megan's mother ultimately kept the duo apart when she confiscated letters from Bo to Megan, making her believe that he no longer wanted anything to do with her. Later, when the pair reconnected, Bo was already in love with Hope Williams. However, Megan believed that she was supposed to be with Bo, and that they would have had a life together if not for her mother's betrayal. Bo and Hope went on to have an epic love story, while Megan's life appeared to end tragically.


However, in 2022 Megan was brought back into the storyline during the "Days of Our Lives" spin-off series "Beyond Salem." It was revealed that Megan's body was cryogenically frozen, and once the three prisms were obtained, she was able to return to the land of the living. After nearly 40 years, fans were able to see Megan back in action. Of course, she only had one thing on her mind, and that was reuniting with who she believed to be her star-crossed love, Bo Brady.

It seemed that Megan didn't lose her obsession for Bo during her decades in a cryogenic state. After awakening, she began to figure out how to bring Bo back into her life. Of course, it wasn't easy.

Megan is still determined to win Bo back

Since Megan Hathaway's resurrection, "Days of Our Lives" viewers have found out that she had been keeping Bo Brady's body in a cryogenic chamber for years. Finally, when she obtained the three prisms, Megan was able to have the information and technology to cure his brain tumor and bring him back to life. However, Megan wasn't interested in reuniting Bo with his loved ones. Instead, she was hoping that he would be eternally grateful to her for saving his life and be ready to rekindle their teenage romance, which she never moved on from.


However, that wasn't the case. Instead, Bo returned with no romantic interest in Megan. Of course, Megan refused to give up on him. She tried everything possible to get Bo to love her, she even planned to brainwash him to make him remember the affection he once felt for her.

Of course, "Days of Our Lives" fans know that Bo's one true love has always been Hope Brady. While Megan may have carried a decades-long obsession with Bo that she took to the grave and back, she's never been able to get Bo to fall back in love with her, or choose her over Hope. Regardless, it's been fun to watch her try.

