Why You Should Incorporate Pineapple Into Your Diet And Skincare Routine

With its sweet and tangy taste, pineapple can be a delicious addition to your diet year-round. Not only is it ideal for smoothies and salads, but it also packs a hefty nutrition punch. A large slice has roughly 80 calories and provides around 90% of the recommended daily vitamin C intake. You'll also get large doses of copper, manganese, thiamin, vitamin B6, and antioxidants. But what makes this juicy fruit stand out is bromelain, a naturally occurring enzyme that boasts digestive health.


This compound helps your body break down protein and may soothe indigestion, among other health benefits. Moreover, it promotes wound healing and skin repair, says dietitian Julia Zumpano. "Bromelain appears to produce substances that combat pain and swelling," she told the Cleveland Clinic. Vitamin C and other nutrients in pineapple support immune function, bone growth, red blood cell production, and metabolic health.

Need one more reason to eat pineapple every day? As it turns out, this tropical fruit could benefit your skin and slow down aging. Let's see what the research says about it.

Fill up on pineapple to give your skin a youthful glow

We all know that beauty starts from the inside out, and pineapple is one of those foods we should eat more of. Vitamin C, one of its primary nutrients, plays a key role in collagen synthesis, notes the Linus Pauling Institute. Collagen production declines with age, resulting in wrinkles and fine lines, dull skin, brittle nails, and slow wound healing. Some people may also experience difficulty sleeping, vaginal dryness, or premature graying. All these are signs you need more collagen in your system — and that's where pineapple can help.


This exotic fruit not only boosts collagen production but also fights oxidative stress. Vitamin C acts as an antioxidant, reducing the damage caused by ultraviolet radiation. Therefore, it may improve skin elasticity, speed up tissue repair, and minimize the appearance of wrinkles, says the Linus Pauling Institute. As the researchers note, diets rich in vitamin C can help lock in moisture in the skin and reduce dryness.

Pineapple is also the only food source of bromelain, according to dietitian Julia Zumpano. This naturally occurring enzyme fights inflammation and may help your skin heal faster, suggests a 2021 study published in the journal Foods. Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, it may benefit those with acne, dermatitis, rosacea, and psoriasis. In a 2007 clinical trial, patients who took bromelain supplements for three months recovered completely from pityriasis lichenoides chronica, an inflammatory skin disease, reports the Journal of Dermatological Treatment. 


Apply pineapple to your skin for a healthy complexion

Getting glowy skin is easier than you think, especially if you already have a balanced diet. Go one step further and incorporate pineapple into your beauty routine so you can fully reap the benefits. Bromelain, the enzyme in this fruit, has a gentle exfoliating effect and antimicrobial properties, said dermatologist Stefanie Williams in an interview with Elle. Therefore, you can apply pineapple to your skin to ward off bacteria and remove dead cells. 


For starters, cut a pineapple into pieces and blend them with oatmeal. Apply this mixture to your face and rinse after 10-15 minutes. Both ingredients will exfoliate your skin and unclog the pores, which may help reduce acne. Another option is to mix pineapple with turmeric and apply this paste to zits. Just like bromelain, turmeric boasts antioxidant, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties. In clinical trials, it has been proven effective in the treatment of acne, psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, and sun-damaged skin, notes a 2016 review featured in Phytotherapy Research.

Pineapple can also work as a DIY toner, body scrub, foot soak, or eye gel, depending on what other ingredients you use. For example, you can mix pineapple juice with aloe vera gel and apply it under your eyes to reduce puffiness. If your lips are always chapped, rub them gently with a mixture of sugar and pineapple. You may also apply fresh pineapple slices to sunburned skin to soothe inflammation and speed up healing.


