What Colors Should You Pair With Lively Shades Of Lavender?

Nowadays, you can get anything in purple — there's even purple blush trending. It hasn't always been like that, though, as purple used to be so rare that some people considered the color sacred. Since the color purple is actually quite uncommon to come across in nature, it became a symbol of power and wealth throughout history as only the rich could afford to get their hands on some of the shade. Today, it is still known as the color of royalty, but from a psychological standpoint, it is also said to have a calming effect on the viewer, as found in a Journal of Experimental Psychology study.

Purple is a mixture of two primary colors, red and blue. That's also the reason we see a lot of purple on Inauguration Day, interestingly enough, as it's meant to represent bringing red and blue states together. Given the wide spectrum of its shades that include both cool and warm undertones, purple pairs well with most colors. One of the most popular purple shades out there is definitely the shade known as lively lavender, and it's taking over the fashion scene.

Shades that complement the trendy lavender

Lavender is a cooler pastel shade that was mostly considered a spring tone thus far, but not anymore. We've arrived at a time when fashion designers and influencers are "showcasing this color ... using it to its true potential and moving away from the narrative of pastels only being for spring [and] summer," Clare Smith, color strategist at trend forecaster WSGN, tells Marie Claire.

Just like its mother color, lavender pairs well with a variety of different shades. This is good news for pastel lovers, as lighter shades complement each other without fail. You can pair your lavender with mint or pea green, lemon yellow, or lavender itself. Combining pastels will result in a softer look overall, so consider counterbalancing with added texture and heavier materials like leather.

Darker colors will also work with lavender, as will black and white. To avoid overpowering lavender with a darker color palette, make it the main color in your look. This way, the darker accents will complement the softer lavender instead of eating it up. If that's still too harsh for you, neutrals like grays and beiges will have the same effect without creating so much contrast.

How to wear lavender

As lavender is a soft shade, it can almost be considered a neutral, but this doesn't mean it can't be the star color of your look. With that said, any garment would look great in the shade, according to celebrity fashion stylist KJ Moody. "I will be incorporating lavender in a number of ways: fashion pieces, jackets, bags, shoes, jewelry, scarves, etc.," he shares with InStyle.

To make lavender an accent color, pair it with a crisp white to really make it stand out, Moody advises. As the main color, lavender would benefit from both delicate and fierce silhouettes. For example, a silk midi dress with a ruffled hem would look beautiful in a lavender color, but so would a slouchy suit.

"Incorporate the color wherever you can; it's the perfect fit for most pieces in your wardrobe and will easily bring your SQ (style quotient) up a few notches," Moody concludes. Whatever your aesthetic, a touch of lavender will definitely elevate your look throughout all seasons.